
时间:2014-04-04 13:05:50

标签: c# oop

我是开发和初学者的新手。我在C#学习OOP。我想知道以下概念: -

  1. 为什么派生类对象被分配给基类对象,但它的反面却不是?
  2. 此场景中派生类和基类对象之间的内存分配流是什么?
  3. //I have done this practically
    // This is base class
    Student student = new Student();
    //This is derived class
    SchoolStudent schoolStudent = new SchoolStudent();
    //derived class object is assigning to base class.. it is ok for the complier
    student = schoolStudent;
    //base class object is assigning to derived class... complier error
    schoolStudent = student;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

1)您可以将派生对象类型指定给您的应用程序的scallablity基础。 实际类型仍然是派生的,但它在基类中的代码中呈现。您只对基本类型对象进行操作,因此不要在代码中包含所有不同的对象类型。为了顺利工作,您可以使用Polymorphism

Human h = new Student(); 



答案 1 :(得分:3)


class Mammal {
    public void Nurse() { /* */ }

class Dog : Mammal {
    public void ChaseCar() { /* */ }

class Cat : Mammal {
    public void ClimbTree() { /* */ }

Mammal myPet = new Cat();

//  The actual object which myPet refers to may not be a Dog, so the 
//  compiler won't let you do this. The declared type of the reference, 
//  Mammal, is an implicit guarantee that, unless it's null, it's 
//  referring to something that can be treated as a Mammal. 

//  You can force it to try, but in this case, myPet does not refer
//  to a Dog, so this call will fail at runtime and throw an exception. 

//  But C# does let you find out what you've really got. In this case, 
//  myPet is not Dog, so this block won't execute. But if it were a 
//  Dog, it would. In the general case, that can only be determined at 
//  runtime. In principle the compiler could make an exception for 
//  cases where the actual runtime type of myPet can be known at 
//  compile time -- as in this example code -- but my guess is that 
//  the compiler designers would see that as adding more complexity 
//  and confusion than it would be worth. 
if ( myPet is Dog ) {
    Dog myDog = myPet as Dog;

考虑这种情况:任何人都可以将任何东西传递给这个方法。 animal实际上可能是BaboonGiraffe

public void CarDrivesBy(Mammal animal) {
    //  What is animal? At this point, you can't know, the compiler 
    //  can't know, so it won't accept this. 


public void CarDrivesBy(Dog animal) {
    //  Now the compiler knows what you want, and enforces that on 
    //  anybody who calls this method. 

