R Code 100中的intReg

时间:2014-04-04 06:38:46

标签: r regression


> y <- cbind(dataH$lb, dataH$ub)
> fit.int <- intReg(y ~ logSpread + logdepthS + logdepthO + last + ret + volatility + loghiddenVolS + loghiddenVolO + loghft1S + loghft1O + hft2S + hft2O + hft3S + hft3O + preEarnings + postEarnings, data = dataH)  
> summary(fit.int)
Error in class(coefValues) <- c("coef.intReg", class(coefValues)) : 
  attempt to set an attribute on NULL

> coef(fit.int)
Error in class(coefValues) <- c("coef.intReg", class(coefValues)) : 
  attempt to set an attribute on NULL

> print(coef(fit.int))
Error in class(coefValues) <- c("coef.intReg", class(coefValues)) : 
  attempt to set an attribute on NULL

> fit.int
Interval regression

BHHH maximisation, 0 iterations
Return code 100: Initial value out of range.

> print(coef(fit.int, boundaries = TRUE))
Error in class(coefValues) <- c("coef.intReg", class(coefValues)) : 
  attempt to set an attribute on NULL


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