变量t在模块Public t As String
FileOpenStatusst = False
Dim Filefound As Boolean
Filefound = False
FileOpen(1, FileNamest, OpenMode.Input)
While Not EOF(1) And Filefound = False
Input(1, Username)
Input(1, Password)
Input(1, namest)
Input(1, surnamest)
Input(1, classst)
Input(1, yearst)
If Username = TxtUsername.Text And Password = TxtPassword.Text Then
Filefound = True
t = Username
End If
End While
If Filefound = False Then
MsgBox("Username and Password were not a match,please try again")
End If
中显示测试分数Private Sub StProgress_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Debug.Assert(Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Topic1Score))
lblStName.Text = namest
LblStSurname.Text = surnamest
If yearst = "12" And classst = "A" Then
Dim Filefound As Boolean
Filefound = False
FileOpen(1, FileName12A1, OpenMode.Input)
While Not EOF(1) And Filefound = False
Input(1, Username) 'All the details are read from that account from the 12A1 text file'
Input(1, Topic1Score)
Input(1, TotalScore)
Filefound = True
If Username = t Then
lblTopic1Score.Text = "You scored " & Topic1Score & " out of 5"
End If
Dim Filefound2 As Boolean
Filefound2 = False
FileOpen(1, FileNameTotalScores, OpenMode.Input)
While Not EOF(1) And Filefound2 = False
Input(1, Username) 'All the details are read from that account from the 12A1 text file'
Input(1, TotalScore)
Filefound = True
If Username = t Then
lblTotalScore.Text = "Your current Total Score is " & TotalScore
End If
End While
End While
End If
FILECLOSE(1) FileOpenStatusTS = False
For i = 0 To 4
If answers(i) = questions(i, 4) And FileOpenStatusTS = False Then
Topic1Score += 1
TotalScore += 1
TestsCompleted += 1
Attempts += 1
End If
If yearst = "12" And classst = "A" Then
FileOpen(1, FileName12A1, OpenMode.Append)
FileOpenStatus12A1 = True
'Once all the details have been entered and checked, then they are written to the Teacher accounts text file'
WriteLine(1, Username, Topic1Score, Attempts)
End If
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Input(1, Topic1Score)
它看起来应该是这样的: While Not EOF(1) And Filefound2 = False
Input(1, Username) 'All the details are read from that account from the 12A1 text file'
Input(1, Topic1Score)
Input(1, TotalScore)
Filefound = True
If Username = t Then
lblTotalScore.Text = "Your current Total Score is " & TotalScore
End If
End While
每条记录的文件格式相同 - 因此您需要以与第一条记录及其余记录相同的方式阅读。
If yearst = "12" And classst = "A" Then
Dim Filefound As Boolean
Filefound = False
FileOpen(1, FileName12A1, OpenMode.Input)
While Not EOF(1) And Filefound = False
Input(1, Username) 'All the details are read from that account from the 12A1 text file'
Input(1, Topic1Score)
Input(1, TotalScore)
Filefound = True
If Username = t Then
lblTopic1Score.Text = "You scored " & Topic1Score & " out of 5"
End If
End While
Dim Filefound2 As Boolean
Filefound2 = False
FileOpen(1, FileNameTotalScores, OpenMode.Input)
While Not EOF(1) And Filefound2 = False
Input(1, Username) 'All the details are read from that account from the 12A1 text file'
Input(1, TotalScore)
Filefound = True
If Username = t Then
lblTotalScore.Text = "Your current Total Score is " & TotalScore
End If
End While
End If