transition_world world = case world of
(Head,(x,y)):cs-> (Tail,(x,y)): transition_world cs
(Tail,(x,y)):cs -> (Conductor, (x,y)): transition_world cs
(Empty, (x,y)):cs -> (Empty, (x,y)): transition_world cs
(Conductor, (x,y)):cs
| element_occurrence Head == 1 || element_occurrence Head == 2
-> (Head, (x,y)): transition_world cs
| otherwise -> (Conductor, (x,y)): transition_world cs
[] -> []
No instance for (Eq (List_2D Cell -> Data.Integer_Subtypes.Nat))
arising from a use of `=='
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Eq (List_2D Cell -> Data.Integer_Subtypes.Nat))
In the first argument of `(||)', namely
`element_occurrence Head == 1'
In the expression:
element_occurrence Head == 1 || element_occurrence Head == 2
In a stmt of a pattern guard for
a case alternative:
element_occurrence Head == 1 || element_occurrence Head == 2
No instance for (Num (List_2D Cell -> Data.Integer_Subtypes.Nat))
arising from the literal `1'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Num (List_2D Cell -> Data.Integer_Subtypes.Nat))
In the second argument of `(==)', namely `1'
In the first argument of `(||)', namely
`element_occurrence Head == 1'
In the expression:
element_occurrence Head == 1 || element_occurrence Head == 2
element_occurrence :: Eq e => e -> List_2D e -> Nat
element_occurrence element list = case list of
(local_element, _): cs
| local_element == element -> 1 + element_occurrence element cs
| otherwise -> element_occurrence element cs
[] -> 0
local_elements :: Coord -> List_2D e -> List_2D e
local_elements (x, y) list = read_neighbours (x, y) 1 list
read_neighbours :: Coord -> Distance -> List_2D e -> List_2D e
read_neighbours (x, y) dist list = case list of
(element, (x_e, y_e)): cs
| abs (x_e - x) <= dist
&& abs (y_e - y) <= dist -> (element, (x_e, y_e)): read_neighbours (x, y) dist cs
| otherwise -> read_neighbours (x, y) dist cs
[] -> []
local_elements_list :: Coord -> List_2D e -> [e]
local_elements_list (x, y) list = read_neighbours_list (x, y) 1 list
read_neighbours_list :: Coord -> Distance -> List_2D e -> [e]
read_neighbours_list (x, y) dist list = case list of
(element, (x_e, y_e)): cs
| abs (x_e - x) <= dist
&& abs (y_e - y) <= dist -> element: read_neighbours_list (x, y) dist cs
| otherwise -> read_neighbours_list (x, y) dist cs
[] -> []
size :: List_2D e -> Nat
size list = case list of
[] -> 0
_: xs -> 1 + size xs
答案 0 :(得分:3)
的类型类似于Item -> List_2D Cell -> Nat
,但您的代码中只有element_occurrence Head
,这是部分应用的函数,它仍然具有类型{ {1}}。通过将其应用于List_2D Cell -> Nat
,您将获得List_2D Cell
答案 1 :(得分:1)
element_occurrence :: Eq e => e -> List_2D e -> Nat
element_occurrence element list = -- more stuff
transition_world world = case world of
{- other cases -}
(Conductor, (x,y)):cs
| element_occurrence Head == 1 || element_occurrence Head == 2 -> -- stuff
但是,这会为您提供类型&#34; List_2D Cell - &gt;的值。 Nat&#34;,一个函数类型,你试图测试对#34; 1&#34;和&#34; 2&#34;。
GHC在这里过于谦虚,并假设你真的意味着只用一个参数调用。 (==)类型为&#34; Eq a =&gt; a - &gt; a - &gt; Bool&#34;,所以如果你提供了一个实例&#34; Eq(List_2D Cell - &gt; Nat)&#34;,那么对(==)的调用就没问题了,但它无法找到该实例。因此,它会打印出第一条错误消息。
GHC数据显示,您很棒因此您可以立即修复该错误 ,并假设它已修复。但现在它看到&#34; 1&#34;和&#34; 2&#34;在一个预期&#34; List_2D单元格的地方 - &gt; Nat&#34;,(==)的另一面。现在,数字文字被重载以具有类型&#34; Num a =&gt; a&#34;,以便可以成为&#34; List_2D单元格 - &gt;纳特&#34;如果您提供实例&#34; Num(List_2D Cell - &gt; Nat)&#34;。它无法找到该实例,因此会吐出第二条错误消息。