Windows 7上的GetLastError API问题

时间:2010-02-17 07:21:43

标签: winapi windows-7 getlasterror

我有一个与服务器交互的应用程序。如果服务器关闭,那么我将ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT我将使用getLastError() API来获取此错误代码,我正在处理此错误代码以向用户显示正确的错误消息。此程序在Windows 2003中正常工作。当我尝试使用Windows7时,我没有收到任何错误,getLastError() API每次都返回0,即使发生错误。我正在使用C ++作为编程语言。



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如果在失败和调用GetLastError()之间进行任何Windows API调用,则当该API调用成功时,错误代码可以重置为0。


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我观察到Windows 2003和Windows 7中GetLastError API的不同行为。 以下是我的观察细节

在Windows 2003中:


WinHttpOpen () - 成功完成

Winhttpconnect() - 由于某些原因,此API失败,例如错误代码12029

GetLastErrorCode() - 按预期返回错误代码12029

WinHttpCloseHandle(hOpen); - 关闭HttpOpen的句柄,完成successfilly

GetLastErrorCode() - 返回错误代码12029

在Windows 7中


WinHttpOpen () - 成功完成

Winhttpconnect() - 由于某些原因,此API失败,例如错误代码12029

GetLastErrorCode() - 按预期返回错误代码12029

WinHttpCloseHandle(hOpen); - 关闭HttpOpen的句柄,成功完成

GetLastErrorCode() - 返回错误代码0 // 查看与Windows 2003示例的区别,在Windows 2003上,此API返回上一个错误,即1209

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The rules for GetLastError are:

•   If the WinHttp API returns error (for example WinHttpIsHostInProxyBypassList, this is the error and GetLastError should *NOT* be called.
o   If GetLastError() is called, regardless of the success or failure of the API, the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between runs.
•   If the WinHttp API returns BOOL (for example WinHttpSetTimeouts,, it indicates failure by returning FALSE. If the caller is interested in the detailed error, (s)he should call GetLastError(). Note that GetLastError should be called *if and only if* the API failed.
o   If GetLastError() is called when the API succeded (returned anything but FALSE), the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between runs. 
•   If the WinHttp API returns HINTERNET (pseudo handle) the rules are exactly the same, except failure is indicated by returning NULL. 
o   If GetLastError() is called when the API succeded (returned anything but NULL), the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between runs.