
时间:2014-04-01 09:50:30

标签: java arraylist calculator multiplication


private void BracketSolver(int opnBracketPosition, ArrayList Analyzed)
{Boolean _closed=true;
    for (int i=opnBracketPosition;i<Analyzed.size();i++)//check all array element
        if (Analyzed.get(i).equals("("))//if its an open bracket
             _closed = false;//a bracket opened
             if(Analyzed.get(i+1).equals("-")){//if a minus after the bracket, then turn the number after the minus to a negative and delete the minus
            for (int j=i+1;j<Analyzed.size();j++){//check all element after the open bracket

                    BracketSolver(j, Analyzed);i=0;
                }//if we meet another open bracket, then restart the function from there
                else if(Analyzed.get(j).equals(")"))//but if its a closing
                    _closed = true;//it has been closed
                    if(i!=0){//make sure is not zero to prevent error of i-1=-1
                            ||(Analyzed.get(i-1).equals("÷"))||(Analyzed.get(i-1).equals("√"))) {
                       //if an operator is before the bracket then just delete the brackets and calculate
                    Analyzed.remove(j);Analyzed.remove(i);//remove the brackets
                    Calculator_Basic(Analyzed, i, j-1);//solve for all after the open bracket n before the close     
                    //remove the close bracket but change the open bracket to multiply
                    Calculator_Basic(Analyzed, i+1, j-1);//solve for all after the open bracket n before the close
                }else{    Analyzed.remove(j);Analyzed.remove(i);//remove the brackets
                    Calculator_Basic(Analyzed, i, j-1);//solve for all after the open bracket n before the close
    }  if(!_closed)//if it has ended and still no close
                 {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Syntax Error: Bracket Not Closed");

函数calculator_Basic是另一个函数,它接受一个arraylist和一个开始和结束整数,并计算其间的所有内容。它已经工作正常,但如果你需要它来帮助我,我也可以粘贴它,虽然它非常丰富和粗糙。现在我的问题是这个代码不能像(5)(8)那样执行。我不知道为什么。我知道我的代码很多,可能不太容易理解。 下一组代码是我在将文本字段存储到数组列表中时使用的代码

private static ArrayList<String> AnalyzedContent;
private void Analyzer()//function that analyzes the user input char by char and takes the numbers
    AnalyzedContent = new ArrayList();//to store everything
   char[] operators = {'+','-','x','÷','^','√','(',')'};//array holding all operators
   String set = "";//string to hold the numbers
    for (int i=0;i<Display.getText().length();i++)//for all chars in display
    {//if its an operator
                if (!set.equals(""))AnalyzedContent.add(set);//check if set is not empty then store its content
                    set = "";//reset the set
                    for (int j = 0; j<operators.length;j++){//check which operator it is and store
                        if (Display.getText().charAt(i)==operators[j])
                            if((i==0)&&(j!=6))throw new ArithmeticException("Syntax Error::Cannot Begin with Operator");
                        //if it is start of the display and operator is not open bracket then throw error
                            AnalyzedContent.add(operators[j] + "");
                     //j=operators.length;//leave the loop when something is found
                else//else if its a number append to set which might already contain numbers not separated by an operator
                   set = set + Display.getText().charAt(i);//append the number to previous
        }if (!set.equals(""))AnalyzedContent.add(set);//check if set is not empty then store its content

先谢谢任何人     再次,使用||的运算符的我的if语句是非常粗糙,我猜有一种更简洁的方法来做,如果有人也可以帮助我。

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