
时间:2014-04-01 01:49:00

标签: python arrays numpy gis



如果不清楚,希望下面这个2d阵列示例更有意义。随机选择粗体/斜体单元格( 35 ),在其上调用该方法(选择其所有八个邻居),然后在所有邻居上调用该方法直到不再选择单元格(选择所有粗体数字)。

33 33 33 37 38 37 43 40

33 33 33 38 38 38 44 40

36 36 36 36 38 39 44 41

35 36 35 35 34 30 40 41

36 36 35 35 34 30 30 41

38 38 35 35 34 30 30 41




感谢Bas Swinckels的答案。我试图将您的代码合并到我到目前为止编写的代码中,最终获得无限循环。以下是我写的内容。为了完成这项工作,我需要克服两个主要步骤。这是我的栅格生成的数组示例(-3.40e + 38是无数据值)。

[[ -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38 ...,  -3.40282306e+38
   -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38]
 [ -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38 ...,  -3.40282306e+38
   -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38]
 [ -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38 ...,  -3.40282306e+38
   -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38]
 [ -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38 ...,  -3.40282306e+38
   -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38]
 [ -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38 ...,  -3.40282306e+38
   -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38]
 [ -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38 ...,  -3.40282306e+38
   -3.40282306e+38  -3.40282306e+38]]
The script took 0.457999944687seconds.


#import modules
from osgeo import gdal
import numpy as np
import os, sys, time

#start timing
startTime = time.time()

#register all of drivers

#get raster
geo = gdal.Open("C:/Users/Harmon_work/Desktop/Python_Scratch/all_fill.img")

#read raster as array
arr = geo.ReadAsArray()
data = geo.ReadAsArray(0, 0, geo.RasterXSize, geo.RasterYSize).astype(np.float)
print data

#get image size
rows = geo.RasterYSize
cols = geo.RasterXSize
bands = geo.RasterCount

#get georefrence info
transform = geo.GetGeoTransform()
xOrgin = transform[0]
yOrgin = transform[3]
pixelWidth = transform[1]
pixelHeight = transform[5]

#get array dimensions
row = data.shape[0]
col = data.shape[1]

#get random position in array
randx = random.randint(1, row)
randy = random.randint(1, col)
print randx, randy

neighbours = [(-1,-1), (-1,0), (-1,1), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0), (1,-1), (0,-1)]
mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype = bool)

#start coordinate
stack = [(randx,randy)]

while stack:
    x, y = stack.pop()
    mask[x, y] = True
    for dx, dy in neighbours:
        nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
        if (0 <= nx < data.shape[0] and 0 <= ny < data.shape[1]
            and not mask[nx, ny] and abs(data[nx, ny] - data[x, y]) <= 1):
            stack.append((nx, ny))

for line in mask:
    print ''.join('01'[i] for i in line)

#run time
endTime = time.time()
print 'The script took ' + str(endTime-startTime) + 'seconds.'


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

这可以使用类似于flood fill的算法来完成,使用堆栈:

import numpy as np

z = '''33 33 33 37 38 37 43 40
33 33 33 38 38 38 44 40
36 36 36 36 38 39 44 41
35 36 35 35 34 30 40 41
36 36 35 35 34 30 30 41
38 38 35 35 34 30 30 41'''
z = np.array([[int(i) for i in line.split()] for line in z.splitlines()])

neighbours = [(-1,-1), (-1,0), (-1,1), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0), (1,-1), (0,-1)]
mask = np.zeros_like(z, dtype = bool)
stack = [(3,2)] # push start coordinate on stack

while stack:
    x, y = stack.pop()
    mask[x, y] = True
    for dx, dy in neighbours:
        nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
        if (0 <= nx < z.shape[0] and 0 <= ny < z.shape[1] 
            and not mask[nx, ny] and abs(z[nx, ny] - z[x, y]) <= 1):
            stack.append((nx, ny))

for line in mask:
    print ''.join('01'[i] for i in line)    
