movf counter,0
call ledtable
movwf countertab
call led
call disp1
movf display2,0
call displaytable23
movwf displaytab2
call disp2 //show on display2
movf display3,0
call displaytable23
movwf displaytab3
call disp3 //show on display3
call assignRandomNumber
call delay
bsf PORTB,1 //here I make RB1,to disable sw4,sw5,sw6,sw7
btfsc PORTB,7 //here I check if RB7 pressed, if pressed RB7 becomes 0
goto $+5 //if not pressed, it must go +5 instructions forward
btfss PORTB,4 //check if button is released
goto $-1
bcf PORTB,1 //if pressed and released, goto compare function
goto compare
bcf PORTB,1
btfsc PORTB,4 //check for sw4 press, it RB4 initially 1,when pressed it becomes 5
goto $+5 //if not pressed go +5 instructions forward
btfss PORTB,4 //to check if released
goto $-1
decf display2,1 //if pressed and released, decrement display2
goto aftersw00 //and go to aftersw00 function again
btfsc PORTB,5
goto $+5
btfss PORTB,5
goto $-1
incf display2,1
goto aftersw00
btfsc PORTB,6
goto $+5
btfss PORTB,6
goto $-1
decf display3,1
goto aftersw00
btfsc PORTB,7
goto aftersw00
btfss PORTB,7
goto $-1
incf display3,1
goto aftersw00
compare: basic function to display what is now display
movf counter,0
call ledtable
movwf countertab
call led
call disp1
movf display2,0
call displaytable23
movwf displaytab2
call disp2
movf display3,0
call displaytable23
movwf displaytab3
call disp3
goto compare
禁用RB1 bsf PORTB,1
确保第三行,即SW11被按下,但是从现在开始我将 display2 和 display3 变量最多增加到2,然后显示一些不可预测的内容
答案 0 :(得分:0)
incf display3,1
btfsc PORTB,7 //here I check if RB7 pressed, if pressed RB7 becomes 0
goto $+5 //if not pressed, it must go +5 instructions forward
btfss PORTB,4 //check if button is released
btfsc PORTB,4 //here I check if RB4 pressed, if pressed RB4 becomes 0
goto $+5 //if not pressed, it must go +5 instructions forward
btfss PORTB,4 //check if button is released