在我的应用中,我想从照片库中检索照片和视频,然后将它们保存到我的应用文档目录中。 以下是我的代码:
- (UIImage *)getImageFromAsset:(ALAsset *)asset type:(NSInteger)nType
ALAssetRepresentation *assetRepresentation = [asset defaultRepresentation];
CGImageRef imageReference = [assetRepresentation fullResolutionImage];
CGFloat imageScale = [assetRepresentation scale];
UIImageOrientation imageOrientation = (UIImageOrientation)[assetRepresentation orientation];
UIImage *iImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:imageReference scale:imageScale orientation:imageOrientation];
return iImage;
- (UIImage *)getImageAtIndex:(NSInteger)nIndex type:(NSInteger)nType
return [self getImageFromAsset:(ALAsset *)_assetPhotos[nIndex] type:nType];
for (NSIndexPath *index in _dSelected) {
DLog(@"the selected index is %@", index);
image = nil;
image = [ASSETHELPER getImageAtIndex:index.row type:ASSET_PHOTO_FULL_RESOLUTION];
NSString *name = [ASSETHELPER getImageNameAtIndex:index.row];
NSString *filepath = [files stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
NSString *aliapath = [alias stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
aliapath = [aliapath stringByAppendingString:THUMBNAIL];
DLog(@"the files is %@ the alias is %@", filepath, aliapath);
image = nil;
If I retrieve just 20 or 30 photos, it would be ok, but if I retrieve too many photos(maybe 50 ones), the App will Terminate due to Memory Pressure. I think I have set the image to nil after every one image , so the ios system shoud get back the memory after each for loop. But why Memory leak happens?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
for (NSIndexPath *index in _dSelected) {
@autoreleasepool {
DLog(@"the selected index is %@", index);
image = nil;
image = [ASSETHELPER getImageAtIndex:index.row type:ASSET_PHOTO_FULL_RESOLUTION];
NSString *name = [ASSETHELPER getImageNameAtIndex:index.row];
NSString *filepath = [files stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
NSString *aliapath = [alias stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
aliapath = [aliapath stringByAppendingString:THUMBNAIL];
DLog(@"the files is %@ the alias is %@", filepath, aliapath);
image = nil;