[2014-03-29 13:34:50 - SimpleDB_HighScores] Unable to resolve target 'android-10'
[2014-03-29 13:34:50 - SimpleDB_HighScores] Project compiler settings changed. Clean your project.
[2014-03-29 13:48:45 - S3_UploaderActivity] Unable to resolve target 'android-10'
[2014-03-29 13:48:45 - S3_UploaderActivity] Project compiler settings changed. Clean your project.
[2014-03-29 13:48:58 - appcompat_v7] Unknown error: org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: File not found: C:\Mayank\MyDroid\workspace\appcompat_v7\AndroidManifest.xml.
[2014-03-29 13:48:59 - appcompat_v7] /appcompat_v7/gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it.
[2014-03-29 13:49:00 - testapp] ERROR: resource directory 'C:\Mayank\MyDroid\workspace\appcompat_v7\res' does not exist
[2014-03-29 14:01:25 - SimpleDB_HighScores] Unable to resolve target 'android-10'
[2014-03-29 14:01:25 - S3_UploaderActivity] Unable to resolve target 'android-10'
[2014-03-29 14:01:28 - appcompat_v7] /appcompat_v7/gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it.
[2014-03-29 14:01:28 - testapp] ERROR: resource directory 'C:\Mayank\MyDroid\workspace\appcompat_v7\res' does not exist