有没有一种快速方法可以将多个以制表符分隔的文件(每个)转换为xls格式? 任何MATLAB / VBA脚本都会很棒!
答案 0 :(得分:1)
:: MSDOS batch file
:: creates a text file listing of all files in the current directory
dir /b > filelist.txt
Function GetTextDirect(ByVal sFile As String) As String
'used to get the file list of imports
Dim fso As Object
Dim ts As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ts = fso.GetFile(sFile).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
GetTextDirect = ts.readall
'Set fso = Nothing
End Function
Sub get_files()
'MsgBox ("Have you updated the file list? Create one by saving the following to a text file, then renaming it ""filelist generator.bat""" & _
Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _
":: - MS-DOS batch file" & Chr(10) & _
":: - creates a text file listing of all files in the current directory" & Chr(10) & _
"@ECHO OFF " & Chr(10) & _
"dir /b > filelist.txt" & Chr(10) & _
'prompt user for the filelist
MsgBox ("Please select the file list at the following dialog box.")
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
filelist = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems(1)
'parse the directory and file name from filelist
For character_place = Len(filelist) To 1 Step -1
'Find the last ocurrence of "\" in the string
If InStr(Mid(filelist, character_place, 1), "\") Then Exit For
Next character_place
filelist_name = Right(filelist, Len(filelist) - character_place)
filelist_dir = Left(filelist, Len(filelist) - Len(filelist_name))
'identifying the name of the current workbook
workfile_name = ThisWorkbook.Name
'import directory
import_dir = filelist_dir
'locating the directory of the import file list
importlist = filelist_dir & filelist_name
'reading the import list
'calling the GetTextDirect function
'ensuring importlist is not empty
If Dir(importlist) <> "" Then
importlist_string = GetTextDirect(importlist)
importlist_string = ""
End If
workstring = importlist_string
delim = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
delim_POS = InStr(workstring, delim)
Dim selected_ARRAY() As String
ReDim selected_ARRAY(1 To 1, 1 To 3)
'selected_ARRAY(i, 1) = file directory
'selected_ARRAY(i, 2) = file name
'selected_ARRAY(i, 3) = distinguishing tab name
selected_ARRAY(1, 1) = "nothing_yet"
selected_ARRAY(1, 2) = "nothing_yet"
selected_ARRAY(1, 3) = "nothing_yet"
'parse workstring into discrete file names
Do While delim_POS > 0
'filename is the string to the left of the next delimiter
'reduce workstring accordingly
selected_filename = Trim(Left(workstring, delim_POS - 1))
workstring = Mid(workstring, Len(selected_filename) + Len(delim) + 1, Len(workstring) - Len(selected_filename))
'add selected_filename to selected_ARRAY
If selected_ARRAY(1, 1) = "nothing_yet" Then
selected_ARRAY(1, 1) = import_dir
selected_ARRAY(1, 2) = selected_filename
'add to the array, while preserving existing values
'create temporary copy of the array
tempArray = selected_ARRAY
arraysize = UBound(selected_ARRAY, 1)
ReDim selected_ARRAY(1 To arraysize + 1, 1 To 3)
'then reinsert values from tempArray
For m = 1 To arraysize
For n = 1 To UBound(selected_ARRAY, 2)
selected_ARRAY(m, n) = tempArray(m, n)
Next n
Next m
Set tempArray = Nothing
'read the new value(s) into the new upper bound of the array
selected_ARRAY(UBound(selected_ARRAY), 1) = import_dir
selected_ARRAY(UBound(selected_ARRAY), 2) = selected_filename
End If
delim_POS = InStr(workstring, delim)
If selected_ARRAY(1, 1) = "nothing_yet" Then
'ensuring selected_ARRAY has at least one record
selected_ARRAY(1, 1) = importlist_string
ElseIf (workstring <> "") And (workstring <> delim) Then
'capturing the last field in cases where the importlist_string does not end with delim
'i.e. does not end with with <CR><LF>
'adding the remaining text in workstring to the selected_ARRAY
'add to the array, while preserving existing values
'create temporary copy of the array
tempArray = selected_ARRAY
arraysize = UBound(selected_ARRAY, 1)
ReDim selected_ARRAY(1 To arraysize + 1, 1 To 3)
'then reinsert values from tempArray
For m = 1 To arraysize
For n = 1 To UBound(selected_ARRAY, 2)
selected_ARRAY(m, n) = tempArray(m, n)
Next n
Next m
Set tempArray = Nothing
'read the new value(s) into the new upper bound of the array
selected_ARRAY(UBound(selected_ARRAY), 1) = import_dir
selected_ARRAY(UBound(selected_ARRAY), 2) = workstring
End If
'initialize temp file variable
'allows html/csv/txt/ect. to be imported to xls, despite Excel 2010
Dim tempWb As Workbook
tempfile_name = "temp.xls"
fulltempfile_name = import_dir & tempfile_name
'determine distinguishing tab name for each file in selected_ARRAY
For i = 1 To UBound(selected_ARRAY, 1)
'identified by interpreting the file name
selected_filename = selected_ARRAY(i, 2)
'identify the length of the file extension
For character_place = Len(selected_filename) To 1 Step -1
'Find the last ocurrence of "." in the string
If InStr(Mid(selected_filename, character_place, 1), ".") Then Exit For
File_Ext = Right(selected_filename, Len(selected_filename) - character_place + 1)
File_Ext_len = Len(File_Ext)
'identify the new name for the imported tab
'tab names are limited to 31 characters long
If Len(Left(selected_filename, Len(selected_filename) - File_Ext_len)) > 31 Then
'prevents tab name of greater than 31 characters
'also prevents any file extension artifacts in the tab name
'i.e. theverybigfilenamethatgoeson.html becomes ...
' 1234567890123456789012345678901234
' theverybigfilenamethatgoeson instead of ...
' theverybigfilenamethatgoeson.ht
tabname = Left(Left(selected_filename, Len(selected_filename) - File_Ext_len), 31)
tabname = Left(selected_filename, Len(selected_filename) - File_Ext_len)
End If
'record value to array
selected_ARRAY(i, 3) = tabname
Next i
'import files
For i = 1 To UBound(selected_ARRAY, 1)
'open incoming html/csv/txt/ect. file
'add to working file
selected_filename = selected_ARRAY(i, 2)
Workbooks.Open Filename:=selected_ARRAY(i, 1) & selected_filename
'Copy the ActiveSheet to tempWB
Set tempWb = ActiveWorkbook
'preventing saveas alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'use the 2000-2003 format xlWorkbookNormal to save as xls
tempWb.SaveAs fulltempfile_name, FileFormat:=-4143, CreateBackup:=False
tempWb.Close SaveChanges:=False
'restarting saveas alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'releasing resources
Set tempWb = Nothing
'close the import file
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveWindow.Close SaveChanges:=False
'open the temporary file, i.e. xls friendly version of the html/csv/txt/ect. file
Workbooks.Open fulltempfile_name
ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Workbooks(workfile_name).Sheets(1)
ActiveSheet.Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
'close the temp file
'rename tab
ActiveSheet.Name = selected_ARRAY(i, 3)
Next i
'signal the macro is complete
MsgBox ("Process complete.")
End Sub