有没有办法在MS Excel VBA中进行排序,其中单元边框在排序时随值移动?
Public Sub sort_test()
'declare key range and range to sort
Dim range_keyRange As Range
Dim range_fullRange As Range
'key range is column A, rows 1 through 5
Set range_keyRange = Range("A1:A5")
'full range is the used range of the active sheet
Set range_fullRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
'clear previous sortfields
'set sortfields
ActiveSheet.Sort.SortFields.Add _
Key:=range_keyRange, _
SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
Order:=xlAscending, _
'apply sort
With ActiveSheet.Sort
.SetRange range_fullRange
.Header = xlNo
.MatchCase = False
End With
End Sub
的边框 2 b
4 d
1 a
3 c
5 e
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
5 e
答案 0 :(得分:0)
基本上,在排序之前添加额外的列,对于包含带边框的单元格的每列,添加1。 (因此,如果10列中有3列具有带边框的单元格,则需要添加3列。我会将它们命名为“colBBorders”“ColFborders”等。)
如果你给帮助者标准名称,你可以使用例如left(cells(1, 7).value, 4)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
为了早期开发,几年前,我定制了一个“Quicksort”方法,以便对多列表进行快速排序。 出于您的目的,我定制了此例程的“排列”部分。它依赖于“复制”方法,因此在“大”多列表上不会很快。 此代码不符合第2点的某些部分,因为代码已更改,但我希望您会发现多列可能性很有用。
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Option Base 1
Dim iRowFirst As Long, iRowLast As Long
Dim iBas As Long, iHaut As Long, iRowMid As Long
Dim sVarMid As String
Public Sub sort_test()
'declare table
Dim MCTable() As Variant
'declare key range and range to sort
Dim range_keyRange As Range
'key range is column A, rows 1 through 5
Set range_keyRange = Range("A1:A5")
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="ToSort", RefersTo:="=" & range_keyRange.Address
' call "Temp" any cell not used
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Temp", RefersTo:="=$C$1"
MCTable() = Range("ToSort").Value
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' call QuickSort1(Table which contains the values, # of the column sort key, "asce" or "desc")
Call QuickSort1(MCTable, 1, "desc")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set range_keyRange = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub QuickSort1(ByRef vList, iColK1 As Long, Sens As String, _
Optional ByVal pRowLeft As Long, Optional ByVal pRowRight As Long)
' iColK1 is the number of the column key for sorting.
iBas = LBound(vList, 2): iHaut = UBound(vList, 2)
If pRowRight = 0 Then
pRowLeft = LBound(vList, 1)
pRowRight = UBound(vList, 1)
End If
iRowFirst = pRowLeft
iRowLast = pRowRight
iRowMid = (pRowLeft + pRowRight) \ 2
sVarMid = vList(iRowMid, iColK1)
' Comparaison
If LCase(Sens) Like "asce" Then
Do While sVarMid > vList(iRowFirst, iColK1) And iRowFirst < pRowRight
iRowFirst = iRowFirst + 1
Do While vList(iRowLast, iColK1) > sVarMid And iRowLast > pRowLeft
iRowLast = iRowLast - 1
ElseIf LCase(Sens) Like "desc" Then
Do While vList(iRowFirst, iColK1) > sVarMid And iRowFirst < pRowRight
iRowFirst = iRowFirst + 1
Do While sVarMid > vList(iRowLast, iColK1) And iRowLast > pRowLeft
iRowLast = iRowLast - 1
End If
' Permutation
If iRowFirst <= iRowLast Then
' Echange de positions
Call MoveRow(vList, iRowFirst, iRowLast, iBas, iHaut)
iRowFirst = iRowFirst + 1
iRowLast = iRowLast - 1
End If
Loop Until iRowFirst > iRowLast
If pRowLeft < iRowLast Then QuickSort1 vList, iColK1, Sens, pRowLeft, iRowLast
If iRowFirst < pRowRight Then QuickSort1 vList, iColK1, Sens, iRowFirst, pRowRight
End Sub
Sub MoveRow(ByRef aList, iSour As Long, iDest As Long, iBas As Long, iHaut As Long)
Dim Temp() As String
Dim rTem As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim bGo As Boolean
For i = iBas To iHaut
ReDim Preserve Temp(i)
Range("ToSort")(iDest, i).Copy Range("Temp")
Temp(i) = aList(iDest, i)
Range("ToSort")(iSour, i).Copy Range("ToSort")(iDest, i)
aList(iDest, i) = aList(iSour, i)
Range("Temp").Copy Range("ToSort")(iSour, i)
aList(iSour, i) = Temp(i)
Next i
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
对于10 ++列,辅助列效率不高。在现实世界中,并非所有动作都可能变成一种算法。例如,两个单元格的值,格式等彼此都相同,但是其中之一是边框以支持接收。 我们可能使用VBA进行排序(不是VBA中的Excel默认方法)。问题是如何设计VBA代码。