* Opens the socket with the default or a previously saved certificate
* @return A special TrustManager to save the certificate if necessary
* @throws IOException
private SavingTrustManager openSocketWithCert() throws IOException {
try {
// Load the default KeyStore or a saved one
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
File file = new File("certs/" + server + ".cert");
if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile())
file = new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/lib/security/cacerts");
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
ks.load(in, passphrase);
// Set up the socket factory with the KeyStore
SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
X509TrustManager defaultTrustManager = (X509TrustManager)tmf.getTrustManagers()[0];
SavingTrustManager tm = new SavingTrustManager(defaultTrustManager);
context.init(null, new TrustManager[] { tm }, null);
SSLSocketFactory factory = context.getSocketFactory();
sslsocket = (SSLSocket)factory.createSocket(server, port);
return tm;
catch (Exception e) {
// Hitting an exception here is very bad since we probably won't
// recover
// (unless it's a connectivity issue)
// Rethrow as an IOException
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
* Downloads and installs a certificate if necessary
* @throws IOException
private void getCertificate() throws IOException {
try {
SavingTrustManager tm = openSocketWithCert();
// Try to handshake the socket
boolean success = false;
try {
success = true;
catch (SSLException e) {
// If we failed to handshake, save the certificate we got and try
// again
if (!success) {
// Set up the directory if needed
File dir = new File("certs");
if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
// Reload (default) KeyStore
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
File file = new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/lib/security/cacerts");
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
ks.load(in, passphrase);
// Add certificate
X509Certificate[] chain = tm.chain;
if (chain == null)
throw new Exception("Failed to obtain server certificate chain");
X509Certificate cert = chain[0];
String alias = server + "-1";
ks.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert);
// Save certificate
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("certs/" + server + ".cert");
ks.store(out, passphrase);
System.out.println("Installed cert for " + server);
catch (Exception e) {
// Hitting an exception here is very bad since we probably won't
// recover
// (unless it's a connectivity issue)
// Rethrow as an IOException
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
* Attempts to connect given the previous connection information
* @throws IOException
public void connect() throws IOException {
try {
sslsocket = (SSLSocket)SSLSocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket(server, port);
in = new BufferedInputStream(sslsocket.getInputStream());
out = new DataOutputStream(sslsocket.getOutputStream());
catch (IOException e) {
// If we failed to set up the socket, assume it's because we needed
// a certificate
// And use the certificate
// And try to handshake again
in = new BufferedInputStream(sslsocket.getInputStream());
out = new DataOutputStream(sslsocket.getOutputStream());
// Start reading responses
pr = new RTMPPacketReader(in);
// Handle preconnect Messages?
// -- 02 | 00 00 00 | 00 00 05 | 06 00 00 00 00 | 00 03 D0 90 02
// Connect
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("app", app);
params.put("flashVer", "WIN 10,1,85,3");
params.put("swfUrl", swfUrl);
params.put("tcUrl", "rtmps://" + server + ":" + port);
params.put("fpad", false);
params.put("capabilities", 239);
params.put("audioCodecs", 3191);
params.put("videoCodecs", 252);
params.put("videoFunction", 1);
params.put("pageUrl", pageUrl);
params.put("objectEncoding", 3);
byte[] connect = aec.encodeConnect(params);
out.write(connect, 0, connect.length);
while (!results.containsKey(1))
TypedObject result = results.get(1);
DSId = result.getTO("data").getString("id");
connected = true;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Below key points you can google and understand.
1. Trusted certificates and keystores/truststores
2. Concept of private and public key. How browser send the certificate key to server and it gets authenticated.
3. Keytool utility, to convert certificates from one form to another.
4. Importing the trusted certificates and keys to trustore, though java has its "cacerts" file by default, but you can create you own and import certificates into it.
5. Explore certificates, read about thumbprint, algorithms used
6. Create you own custom factory as well.