public class MyApp
List<int> listOfIndiciesToBeLoaded; //This list gets updated based on user input
Dictionary<int,Stuff> loadedStuff = new Dictionary<int,Stuff>();
//The main thread queues items to be loaded by the ThreadPool
void QueueUpLoads()
foreach(int index in listOfIndiciesToBeLoaded)
loadedStuff.Add(index,new Stuff());
LoadInfo loadInfo = new LoadInfo(index);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(LoadStuff, loadInfo);
//LoadStuff is called from the worker threads
public void LoadStuff(System.Object loadInfoObject)
LoadInfo loadInfo = loadInfoObject as LoadInfo;
int index = loadInfo.index;
int[] loadedValues = LoadValuesAtIndex(index); /* here I do my loading and ...*/
//Then I put the loaded data in the corresponding entry in the dictionary
loadedStuff[index].values = loadedValues;
//Now it is accessible from the main thread and it is flagged as loaded
loadedStuff[index].loaded = true;
public class Stuff
//As an example lets say the data being loaded is an array of ints
int[] values;
bool loaded = false;
//a class derived from System.Object to be passed via ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem
public class LoadInfo : System.Object
public int index;
public LoadInfo(int index)
this.index = index;
我已经阅读了一些有关如何在使用Windows窗体时使用Control.Invoke(委托)设置事件和委托的深入解释。但我没有使用Windows Forms,并且无法应用这些想法。我想我需要一种更通用的方法,它不依赖于Control类。如果您做出回应,请详细说明并使用我的伪代码中的一些命名。这样我就会更容易跟随。线程似乎是一个非常深刻的话题,我只是想掌握基础知识。另外,请随时就如何改进我的问题提出建议,以便更清楚。
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执行此操作的一种方法是使用SynchronizationContext。 管理起来有些棘手,但有一些文章介绍了它的工作原理以及如何制作自己的文章:
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/31971/Understanding-SynchronizationContext-Part-I http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/32113/Understanding-SynchronizationContext-Part-II