继续关注SO问题/答案: - How to get JSON serialized string using Dart Serialization 我想在JSON中序列化复杂的对象值,我怎样才能使用: -
来实现Map toJson() { }
我的班级heirarchy是: -
class Container {
String get Id => DPC_ID;
String get LSDetailUrl => "http://www.indiavotes.com/pc/detail/$DPC_ID/$DB_STATEID/15";
List<GoogleMaps.LatLng> Coordinates;
List<LSElectionResult> ElectionData;
var DPC_ID;
// how to extend following method to serialize complex inner objects too?
Map toJson() {
return {"id": DPC_ID, "ElecData2009": ElectionData};
class LSElectionResult {
String get WinnerName => DWIN_NM;
String get WinnerParty => DWIN_PRT;
这里的第一个集合 - GoogleMaps.LatLng是外部类,但我也希望序列化它。但是第二个集合成员ElectionData是我自己的类LSElectionResult,如果我为LSElectionResult编写Map toJson()实现,如果我调用Container.toJson()会自动调用吗?