这是家庭作业,所以你不能帮助我,只提示:)。所以任务说我必须按 SW00 按钮开始,然后推 SW04 , SW05 , SW06 , SW07 用于校准LED中的数字,然后按 SW11 完成。有两件事让我担心:
1.How to check if button is pressed because I only check RB4,RB5,RB6,RB7 bits,
so I can't distinguish for example SW00 and SW04 buttons(RB4).
And also it is said that:"In your development boards RB4 pin
is connected to RC2 pin. Therefore you have to configure RB4 and RC2 properly
for correct operation of buttons."
2.These buttons are not Schmidt-triggered, so I can use TIMER0, can you light up
about this stuff.