
时间:2014-03-24 22:56:25

标签: java random jframe

我的计划的目标是为圈子生成随机中心,并找到圆圈中心之间的长度 问题在于,在getd1()方法中,对于0center1X,所有值均为center1Y(在添加50之前,因此长度最终为0),等


我也尝试将值分配给center1X等,当前它们已被初始化,我得到的错误是"n must be a positive number",我怀疑是因为{{1}之前没有宽度和高度}} 被建造。任何建议表示赞赏。


PS:public class Draw extends JFrame { public class Circle extends JPanel { int center1X; int center1Y; int center2X; int center2Y; @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Random rand = new Random(); center1X=rand.nextInt(getWidth()-100); center1Y=rand.nextInt(getHeight()-100); center2X=rand.nextInt(getWidth()-100); center2Y=rand.nextInt(getHeight()-100); //these are coordinates of circles } public double getd1() { //Distance is a method that has been omitted, it functions properly and is not part of the issue double d1 = Distance(center1X+50,center1Y+50,center2X+50,center2Y+50); return d1; } } } 函数已被省略,因为它不是问题的一部分,但它只是使用距离公式。

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