换句话说,我正在寻找PHP的密码验证功能的c#实现( http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.password-verify.php)。
我谷歌搜索了一下,但实际上找不到任何东西,所以我希望避免重新发明轮子: - )
答案 0 :(得分:11)
首先通过NuGet Package安装CryptSharp。 (使用2.0“官方”软件包),顺便说一句,BCrypt.net不适合我。
using CryptSharp;
bool matches = Crypter.CheckPassword("password goes here", "hash goes here");
请注意,哈希应该从以下内容开始: “$ 2Y $ ......”
像魅力一样! : - )
答案 1 :(得分:-4)
我知道你不想为它编写代码,.Net有一个内置的密码学库来计算哈希并加密它。 您必须通过导入Security.Cryptography来使用它。您可以将结果与数据库中保存的结果进行比较。这是代码。
class Program
static int SaltValueSize = 8;
static void Main(string[] args)
string pass = "Password";
string result = ComputeHash(pass, new MD5CryptoServiceProvider());
Console.WriteLine("Original: " + pass + "\nEncrypted: " + result);
Console.WriteLine("Is user valid: " + IsUserValid("UserName", pass));
Console.WriteLine("With Salt, Original: " + pass + "\nEcrypted: " + System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(ComputePasswordHash(pass, salted)));
private static byte[] ComputePasswordHash(string password, int salt)
byte[] saltBytes = new byte[4];
saltBytes[0] = (byte)(salt >> 24);
saltBytes[1] = (byte)(salt >> 16);
saltBytes[2] = (byte)(salt >> 8);
saltBytes[3] = (byte)(salt);
byte[] passwordBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
byte[] preHashed = new byte[saltBytes.Length + passwordBytes.Length];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(passwordBytes, 0, preHashed, 0, passwordBytes.Length);
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(saltBytes, 0, preHashed, passwordBytes.Length, saltBytes.Length);
SHA1 sha1 = SHA1.Create();
return sha1.ComputeHash(preHashed);
public static string ComputeHash(string input, HashAlgorithm algorithm)
Byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);
Byte[] hashedBytes = algorithm.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
return BitConverter.ToString(hashedBytes);
public static bool IsUserValid(string userName, string password)
bool isValid;
string result = VerifyPassword(password);
// isValid = Your database call in a form of Inverted statement which you
//can check if the user with the hashed password exists or Not
return isValid;
public static string VerifyPassword(string password)
return ComputeHash(password, new MD5CryptoServiceProvider());