MkMapview在iphone 5s ios 7上崩溃

时间:2014-03-24 08:58:55

标签: ios iphone objective-c ios7 mkmapview


Incident Identifier: *****
CrashReporter Key:   ******
Hardware Model:      iPhone6,1
Process:             **** [3841]
Path:                ****
Identifier:          *****
Version:             1.0 (1.0)
Code Type:           ARM (Native)
Parent Process:      launchd [1]

Date/Time:           2014-03-20 22:58:50.614 -0400
OS Version:          iOS 7.0.3 (11B511)
Report Version:      104

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread:  0

Last Exception Backtrace:
(0x2f19ee83 0x394ff6c7 0x2f19eb89 0x3036aa19 0x3036ac5b 0x19d101 0x3193d73f 0x3193dbcd 0x319e9dbb 0x31ab51e9 0x31a399e3 0x31afa5a9 0x3195ae6d 0x3195aab7 0x3195a9cf 0x315b0413 0x399e40af 0x399e69a9 0x2f1695b1 0x2f167e7d 0x2f0d2471 0x2f0d2253 0x33e062eb 0x31987845 0xea0f3 0xea0a8)

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x39aaf1fc 0x39a9c000 + 78332
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x39b16a4f 0x39b13000 + 14927
2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x39a60029 0x39a16000 + 303145
3   libc++abi.dylib                 0x38eae98b 0x38eae000 + 2443
4   libc++abi.dylib                 0x38ec76e3 0x38eae000 + 104163
5   libobjc.A.dylib                 0x394ff937 0x394f7000 + 35127
6   libc++abi.dylib                 0x38ec51b1 0x38eae000 + 94641
7   libc++abi.dylib                 0x38ec4a05 0x38eae000 + 92677
8   libobjc.A.dylib                 0x394ff797 0x394f7000 + 34711
9   CoreFoundation                  0x2f19eb85 0x2f0ca000 + 871301
10  MapKit                          0x3036aa15 0x3032e000 + 248341
11  MapKit                          0x3036ac57 0x3032e000 + 248919
12  FishCacher                      0x0019d0fd 0xe6000 + 749821
13  UIKit                           0x3193d73b 0x31918000 + 153403
14  UIKit                           0x3193dbc9 0x31918000 + 154569
15  UIKit                           0x319e9db7 0x31918000 + 859575
16  UIKit                           0x31ab51e5 0x31918000 + 1692133
17  UIKit                           0x31a399e1 0x31918000 + 1186273
18  UIKit                           0x31afa5a5 0x31918000 + 1975717
19  UIKit                           0x3195ae6b 0x31918000 + 274027
20  UIKit                           0x3195aab3 0x31918000 + 273075
21  UIKit                           0x3195a9cb 0x31918000 + 272843
22  QuartzCore                      0x315b040f 0x3159d000 + 78863
23  libdispatch.dylib               0x399e40ad 0x399e3000 + 4269
24  libdispatch.dylib               0x399e69a5 0x399e3000 + 14757
25  CoreFoundation                  0x2f1695ad 0x2f0ca000 + 652717
26  CoreFoundation                  0x2f167e79 0x2f0ca000 + 646777
27  CoreFoundation                  0x2f0d246d 0x2f0ca000 + 33901
28  CoreFoundation                  0x2f0d224f 0x2f0ca000 + 33359
29  GraphicsServices                0x33e062e7 0x33dff000 + 29415
30  UIKit                           0x31987841 0x31918000 + 456769
31  FishCacher                      0x000ea0ef 0xe6000 + 16623
32  FishCacher                      0x000ea0a4 0xe6000 + 16548

Thread 1:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x39a9c838 0x39a9c000 + 2104
1   libdispatch.dylib               0x399eb0d1 0x399e3000 + 32977
2   libdispatch.dylib               0x399e561f 0x399e3000 + 9759


[self.mapView removeAnnotations:self.mapView.annotations];

[[LDAnnotationClickable instance] addPinButtonWithDelegate:self];
[[LDAnnotationClickable instance] recover];

CLLocationCoordinate2D thisCurrentlocation;
 thisCurrentlocation.latitude = [self.strThisCurrentLat doubleValue];

thisCurrentlocation.longitude = [self.strThisCurrentLong doubleValue];

NSLog(@"lat11 lon11 %f %f",thisCurrentlocation.latitude,thisCurrentlocation.longitude);

MKCoordinateRegion mapRegion;
// set the center of the map region to the now updated map view center = self.mapView.centerCoordinate;
mapRegion.span.latitudeDelta = thisCurrentlocation.latitude;  // you likely don't need these... just kinda hacked this out
mapRegion.span.longitudeDelta = thisCurrentlocation.longitude;

MapViewAnnotation *newAnnotation = [[MapViewAnnotation alloc] initWithTitle:@"Current Location" andSubTitle:@""andCoordinate:thisCurrentlocation];

newAnnotation.numberID = @"";

[self.mapView addAnnotation:newAnnotation];

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