$encryption_key = "CE51E06875F7D964";
$data='tokenNo=test&securityCode=111' ;
echo $desEncryptedData = encryptText_3des($data, $encryption_key);//outputs 3des encrypted data
function encryptText_3des($plainText, $key) {
$key = hash("md5", $key, TRUE);
for ($x=0;$x<8;$x++) {
$key = $key.substr($key, $x, 1);
$padded = pkcs5_pad($plainText,
mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_3DES, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC));
$encrypted = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_3DES, $key, $padded, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC));
return $encrypted;
function pkcs5_pad ($text, $blocksize)
$pad = $blocksize - (strlen($text) % $blocksize);
return $text . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
$encryption_key = "CE51E06875F7D964";
$data='xcFEvIdLXc2fjhG1i4iPOQu5L6ahxwZVucDOPqeMM2E=' ; //encrypted data
echo $desEncryptedData = encryptText_3des($data, $encryption_key);//outputs 3des encrypted data
function encryptText_3des($plainText, $key) {
$key = hash("md5", $key, TRUE);
for ($x=0;$x<8;$x++) {
$key = $key.substr($key, $x, 1);
$padded = pkcs5_unpad($plainText,
mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_3DES, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC));
$encrypted = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_3DES, $key, $padded, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC));
return $encrypted;
function pkcs5_unpad($text)
$pad = ord($text{strlen($text)-1});
if ($pad > strlen($text)) return false;
if (strspn($text, chr($pad), strlen($text) - $pad) != $pad) return false;
return substr($text, 0, -1 * $pad);
答案 0 :(得分:8)
public function encrypt($data, $secret)
//Generate a key from a hash
$key = md5(utf8_encode($secret), true);
//Take first 8 bytes of $key and append them to the end of $key.
$key .= substr($key, 0, 8);
//Pad for PKCS7
$blockSize = mcrypt_get_block_size('tripledes', 'ecb');
$len = strlen($data);
$pad = $blockSize - ($len % $blockSize);
$data .= str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
//Encrypt data
$encData = mcrypt_encrypt('tripledes', $key, $data, 'ecb');
return base64_encode($encData);
public function decrypt($data, $secret)
//Generate a key from a hash
$key = md5(utf8_encode($secret), true);
//Take first 8 bytes of $key and append them to the end of $key.
$key .= substr($key, 0, 8);
$data = base64_decode($data);
$data = mcrypt_decrypt('tripledes', $key, $data, 'ecb');
$block = mcrypt_get_block_size('tripledes', 'ecb');
$len = strlen($data);
$pad = ord($data[$len-1]);
return substr($data, 0, strlen($data) - $pad);
答案 1 :(得分:2)
我在 PHP 中写了 3DES-ECB 加密。使用“openssl”,您将使用“ mcrypt ”和“ Crypt_openssl ”获得两个类文件“ Crypt_mcrypt ” 。所以你可以使用它们中的任何一个,但它是
答案 2 :(得分:2)
对于 PHP 7.1 及更高版本,不推荐使用 mcrypt 功能。这是使用 openssl_encrypt
的替代方法$ciphertext = openssl_encrypt('string to be encrypted', 'DES-EDE3', 'key', OPENSSL_RAW_DATA);
$ciphertext = base64_encode($ciphertext);
您可以使用此在线Triple DES encryption工具进行交叉检查。
对于其他可用密码,您可以调用PHP方法 openssl_get_cipher_methods()
答案 3 :(得分:0)
$encryption_key = "CE51E06875F7D964";
$data='tokenNo=test&securityCode=111' ;
// the below will return the encoded data you need to put the value in the variable $asl.
echo encrypt($data,$encryption_key);
function encrypt($data, $secret)
//Generate a key from a hash
$key = md5(utf8_encode($secret), true);
//Take first 8 bytes of $key and append them to the end of $key.
$key .= substr($key, 0, 8);
//Pad for PKCS7
$blockSize = mcrypt_get_block_size('tripledes', 'ecb');
$len = strlen($data);
$pad = $blockSize - ($len % $blockSize);
$data .= str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
//Encrypt data
$encData = mcrypt_encrypt('tripledes', $key, $data, 'ecb');
return base64_encode($encData);
//the below is the encryption of $data = 'token.....' which there above
$asl = 'xcFEvIdLXc0LX+lk46iIFY09GF+FL+SWM0PTNw669VE=';
// this echo will provide you the $data which is there in the begining
echo decrypt($asl , $encryption_key);
function decrypt($data, $secret)
//Generate a key from a hash
$key = md5(utf8_encode($secret), true);
//Take first 8 bytes of $key and append them to the end of $key.
$key .= substr($key, 0, 8);
$data = base64_decode($data);
$data = mcrypt_decrypt('tripledes', $key, $data, 'ecb');
$block = mcrypt_get_block_size('tripledes', 'ecb');
$len = strlen($data);
$pad = ord($data[$len-1]);
return substr($data, 0, strlen($data) - $pad);