
时间:2014-03-22 23:50:13

标签: applescript





具体来说,本周原始视频的iMovie Events文件夹中有两个由iMovie创建的文件夹,我不想刻录到DVD。一个是缓存&另一个有缩略图。如果我在打开iMovie时因任何原因需要恢复备份,则应重新创建这些内容。

所以我只想复制事件文件夹中不是这两个文件夹的文件。这些文件夹名为iMovie Movie CacheiMovie Thumbnails


-- Script to copy the iMovie project, the iDVD project, and the DVD Label
-- files for a particular week's sermon into a burn folder and then burn it.
property iMovieEvents : alias ((path to movies folder as text) & "iMovie Events.localized:")
property iMovieProjects : alias ((path to movies folder as text) & "iMovie Projects.localized:")
property iMovieSermonsPath : alias ((iMovieProjects as text) & "Sermons:")
property sermonDocumentsPath : alias ((path to documents folder as text) & "Sermons:")

global burnFolder
global thisSermonsPath
global thisSermonsDvdLabels
global thisSermonsdvdproj
global thisSermonsiMovieEvents
global thisSermonsiMovieProject
global sermonCode

to copySermonFiles()
    -- Start a conversation with the Finder
tell application "Finder"
        -- Create a folder in the burn folder for the iMovie Events
        set theFolder to my createFolder(burnFolder, "iMovie Events.localized")

        -- Give this operation 5 mintues to complete        
        with timeout of (5 * 60) seconds
            -- Copy the Sermon's iMovie Events folder to the Burn Folder.
            -- Need to exclude the iMovie Movie Cache & iMovie Thumbnails folders here
            make new alias at theFolder to folder thisSermonsiMovieEvents
        end timeout

        -- Create a folder in the burn folder for the Sermon's iMovie Project.
        set theFolder to my createFolder(burnFolder, "iMovie Projects.localized")

        with timeout of (5 * 60) seconds
            -- Copy the Sermon's iMovie Project file to the Burn Folder
            make new alias at theFolder to file thisSermonsiMovieProject
        end timeout

        -- Create a folder in the burn folder for the Sermon's documents
        set theFolder to my createFolder(burnFolder, "Documents")

        -- Create a folder in the burn folder's Documents folder for the sermon
        set theFolder to my createFolder(theFolder, sermonCode)

        -- Copy the Sermon's iDVD Project and DVD Labels files to the Burn Folder
        make new alias at theFolder to thisSermonsDvdLabels
        make new alias at theFolder to thisSermonsdvdproj
    end tell
end copySermonFiles

-- Helper method that creates a new folder named theName in the dst folder.
to createFolder(dst, theName)
    -- Create a string that contains the path to the folder we're going to create
    set thePath to (dst as text) & theName

    -- Start a conversation with the Finder
    tell application "Finder"
        -- Does the folder exist already?
        if not (exists thePath) then
            return make new folder at dst with properties {name:theName}
            return alias thePath
        end if
    end tell
end createFolder

to createBurnFolder()
    -- Create the name of the Burn Folder
    set burnFolderName to sermonCode & ".fpbf"
    set desktopPath to (path to desktop) as text

    -- Compute the path to the Sermon's folder in the Documents:Sermons folder.
    set burnFolderPath to desktopPath & burnFolderName

    -- Start a conversation with the Finder
    tell application "Finder"
        -- Does the burn folder exist?
        if not (exists burnFolderPath) then
            -- Create the burn folder
            set burnFolder to make new folder at desktopPath with properties {name:burnFolderName}
            set burnFolder to folder burnFolderPath
        end if
    end tell
end createBurnFolder

to getThisSermonsFiles()
    -- Ask the user to pick the Sermon's iMovie Project file.
    set thisSermonsiMovieProject to choose file with prompt "Please select the Sermon's iMovie Project:" default location iMovieSermonsPath

    -- Extract the sermon code from the Sermon's iMovie Project file name.
    set fileext to ".rcproject"
    set fileName to (name of (info for thisSermonsiMovieProject))
    set sermonCode to text 1 thru ((length of fileName) - (length of fileext)) of fileName

    -- Build the path to the Sermon's iMovie Events folder
    set thisSermonsiMovieEvents to ((iMovieEvents as text) & sermonCode & ":")

    -- Build the path to the Sermon's DVD & DVD Labels files.
    set thisSermonsPath to (sermonDocumentsPath as text) & sermonCode & ":"

    -- Build the path to this Sermon's DVD Labels file.
    set thisSermonsDvdLabels to alias (thisSermonsPath & sermonCode & ".cndx")

    -- Build the path to this sermon's iDVD Project file.
    set thisSermonsdvdproj to alias (thisSermonsPath & sermonCode & ".dvdproj")
end getThisSermonsFiles

on run
    -- Get the sermon code from the user

    -- Create the Burn folder

    -- Copy the files into the burn folder.
end run

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set itemNamesToExclude to {"iMovie Movie Cache", "iMovie Thumbnails"}

tell application "Finder"
    set itemsToMove to items of folder thisSermonsiMovieEvents whose name is not in itemNamesToExclude
    -- move itemsToMove somewhere
end tell