
时间:2014-03-22 09:41:26

标签: wpf vb.net dispatchertimer






 floater class:
 Private WithEvents transformTimer As New Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer(Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Render, Dispatcher) With {.Interval = New TimeSpan(166)}

 Then there is a sub that handles click on the floater object and enabled the timer
 then there is a sub that handles the timer ticks, checks for mouse buttons and position to make the necessary adjustments and calls the following sub

    Public Sub place(r As DoubleRect)
    If mainTitle.snap Then

        mouseSnap = wParent.getMoveSnap(Me)
        sRect.x = mouseSnap.X
        sRect.y = mouseSnap.Y
    End If

    If cRect.x <> r.x Then Canvas.SetLeft(Me, r.x + sRect.x)
    If cRect.y <> r.y Then Canvas.SetTop(Me, r.y + sRect.y)
    If cRect.w <> r.w Then Me.Width = r.w + sRect.w
    If cRect.h <> r.h Then Me.Height = r.h + sRect.h

    cRect = r.clone
    vRect = rActualToVisible(cRect)
End Sub

 DoubleRect is a basic rectangle class with doubles for location and size

 and then there is the sub that makes the whole thing freeze in combination with the timer priority

     Public Function getMoveSnap(rWindow As uiWindow) As Point
    Dim vRect As DoubleRect = rWindow.vRect
    Dim vRect2 As DoubleRect
    Dim dir As sDirections
    Dim amt As Double
    For i = 0 To rWindows.Count - 1
        If Not rWindows(i).Equals(rWindow) Then
            vRect2 = rWindows(i).vRect

            dir = vRect.sDirection(vRect2)
            If dir = sDirections.N Then
                amt = vRect.y - vRect2.y2
                If amt < snapDistance Then Return New Point(0, -amt)
            ElseIf dir = sDirections.S Then
                amt = vRect2.y - vRect.y2
                If amt < snapDistance Then Return New Point(0, amt)
            ElseIf dir = sDirections.W Then
                amt = vRect.x - vRect2.x2
                If amt < snapDistance Then Return New Point(-amt, 0)
            ElseIf dir = sDirections.E Then
                amt = vRect2.x - vRect.x2
                If amt < snapDistance Then Return New Point(amt, 0)
                Return New Point()
            End If
        End If
End Function

 sDirections is an enum of N S W E and invalid(X) directions to snap in
 sDirection is a method of doublerect that does a long chain of "if x > r.x then blah blah" to determine the direction

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