
时间:2014-03-22 03:05:16

标签: java matlab enums file-type


我知道一些MATLAB,Java和C ++,但我不知道如何通过使用标题和枚举类型来打开自定义文件类型。我猜我必须编写某种脚本,从文件中导入数据原始数据,然后使用标题和枚举中的变量对其进行组织。我更喜欢在MATLAB中这样做,因为我可以轻松地使用数据创建矩阵,但我愿意使用我熟悉的其他两种语言。


struct uFileHeader {
    int type;    // data type (can be determined by file extensions)
    int frames;  // number of frames in file 
    int w;       // width (number of vectors for raw, image width for processed data)
    int h;       // height (number of samples for raw, image height for processed data)
    int ss;      // data sample size in bits
    int ulx;     // roi - upper left (x) 
    int uly;     // roi - upper left (y) 
    int urx;     // roi - upper right (x) 
    int ury;     // roi - upper right (y) 
    int brx;     // roi - bottom right (x) 
    int bry;     // roi - bottom right (y) 
    int blx;     // roi - bottom left (x) 
    int bly;     // roi - bottom left (y) 
    int probe;   // probe identifier - additional probe information can be found using this id   
    int txf;     // transmit frequency in Hz
    int sf;      // sampling frequency in Hz
    int dr;      // data rate (fps or prp in Doppler modes)
    int ld;      // line density (can be used to calculate element spacing if pitch and native # elements is known
    int extra;   // extra information (ensemble for color RF)


enum uData
    udtScreen                = 0x00000001,
    udtBPre                  = 0x00000002,
    udtBPost                 = 0x00000004,
    udtBPost32               = 0x00000008,
    udtRF                    = 0x00000010,
    udtMPre                  = 0x00000020,
    udtMPost                 = 0x00000040,
    udtPWRF                  = 0x00000080,
    udtPWSpectrum            = 0x00000100,
    udtColorRF               = 0x00000200,
    udtColorCombined         = 0x00000400,
    udtColorVelocityVariance = 0x00000800,
    udtContrast              = 0x00001000,
    udtElastoCombined        = 0x00002000,
    udtElastoOverlay         = 0x00004000,
    udtElastoPre             = 0x00008000,
    udtECG                   = 0x00010000,
    udtGPS1                  = 0x00020000,
    udtGPS2                  = 0x00040000,
    udtPNG                   = 0x10000000


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