与真正的本地Raven实例相比,使用RavenDb EmbeddableDocumentStore的测试非常慢

时间:2014-03-21 19:24:11

标签: .net unit-testing ravendb

总结:我想使用EmbeddableDocumentStore(我相信the recommended approach)对使用IDocumentSession的测试类进行单元化。与使用“真实”,本地托管的DocumentStore创建的会话相比,使用静态索引的简单测试慢慢地运行非常。运行了一些基本的分析 - 7x慢 (见下文)。我无法使用RavenTestBase,因为我想使用this approach to test using SpecsFor

我期待使用内存存储的测试速度非常快 - 我是否在解释这种性能时做错了什么?

编辑Having read this我禁用了我的防病毒软件,这没有任何区别。


我通过以下方式创建 EmbeddableDocumentStore

    private static IDocumentStore CreateInMemoryEmbdeddableDocumentStore()
        var embeddedStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore();
        embeddedStore.Configuration.RunInMemory = true;
        embeddedStore.Configuration.RunInUnreliableYetFastModeThatIsNotSuitableForProduction = true;
        embeddedStore.RegisterListener(new NoStaleQueriesAllowedListener());
        return embeddedStore.Initialize();

和“真正的” DocumentStore by:

    public IDocumentStore CreateLocalDocumentStore()
        var store = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080", DefaultDatabase = "ColourTest" };
        store.RegisterListener(new NoStaleQueriesAllowedListener());
        return store.Initialize();


    public class NoStaleQueriesAllowedListener : IDocumentQueryListener
        public void BeforeQueryExecuted(IDocumentQueryCustomization queryCustomization)


    private static IDocumentSession ConfigureIndexesAndCreateSession(IDocumentStore store)
        IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(Colours_ColourCountByMood).Assembly, store);
        return store.OpenSession();

使用此会话,我设置测试数据(使用真实存储,我也首先删除现有数据)。像往常一样,我然后运行method being tested - 使用static index - 然后执行断言。


我还添加了logging calls through the code (see complete code here)来比较两种情况下的时间安排。测试运行的示例结果:

  191 ms : Start create EmbeddableDocumentStore
 1819 ms : Finish create EmbeddableDocumentStore
 1819 ms : Start embeddedStore.Initialize()
 3411 ms : Finish embeddedStore.Initialize()
 3411 ms : Start CreateIndexes
 5322 ms : Finish CreateIndexes
 5322 ms : Start OpenSession
 5330 ms : Finish OpenSession
 5331 ms : Start test data storing
 5852 ms : Finish test data storing
 5853 ms : Start test Act
 6985 ms : Finish test Act
 6985 ms : Start test Assert
 6998 ms : Finish test Assert

    1 ms : Start create DocumentStore
    1 ms : Finish create DocumentStore
    2 ms : Start documentStore.Initialize()
  608 ms : Finish documentStore.Initialize()
  608 ms : Start CreateIndexes
  717 ms : Finish CreateIndexes
  717 ms : Start OpenSession
  717 ms : Finish OpenSession
  718 ms : Start DeleteTestData
  730 ms : Finish DeleteTestData
  730 ms : Start test data storing
  823 ms : Finish test data storing
  823 ms : Start test Act
  957 ms : Finish test Act
  957 ms : Start test Assert
  957 ms : Finish test Assert


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