j = 2
i = 2
k = 4
Do While ws.Cells(k, 1) <> ""
If ws.Cells(k, 2) = "Data Not Found" Then
Invalid.Cells(i, 1) = ws.Cells(k, 1)
i = i + 1
SEI.Cells(j, 1) = ws.Cells(k, 1)
SEI.Cells(j, 2) = ws.Cells(k, 2)
SEI.Cells(j, 3) = ws.Cells(k, 3)
SEI.Cells(j, 4) = ws.Cells(k, 4)
SEI.Cells(j, 5) = ws.Cells(k, 5)
SEI.Cells(j, 6) = ws.Cells(k, 6)
SEI.Cells(j, 7) = ws.Cells(k, 7)
SEI.Cells(j, 8) = ws.Cells(k, 8)
j = j + 1
End If
k = k + 1
我编辑的代码试图将其拆分......这不是工作!它不会循环并执行B4,B5,B6 ....我之前已经完成了它并且它有效所以任何建议都将是我猜它是我正在使用的公式。
With SEI.Cells(j, 1)
.Formula = ws.Cells(k, 1)
End With
With SEI.Cells(j, 2)
.Formula = "=MID(INPUT!B4,SEARCH("":"",INPUT!B4)+1,LEN(INPUT!B4)-SEARCH("":"",INPUT!B4)+1)"
End With
With SEI.Cells(j, 3)
.Formula = "=MID(INPUT!C4,SEARCH("":"",INPUT!C4)+1,8)"
End With
With SEI.Cells(j, 4)
.Formula = ws.Cells(k, 4)
End With
With SEI.Cells(j, 5)
.Formula = "=LEFT(INPUT!E4,SEARCH("":"",INPUT!E4)-1)"
End With
With SEI.Cells(j, 6)
.Formula = "=LEFT(INPUT!F4,SEARCH("":"",INPUT!F4)-1)"
End With
With SEI.Cells(j, 7)
.Formula = "=LEFT(INPUT!G4,SEARCH("":"",INPUT!G4)-1)"
End With
With SEI.Cells(j, 8)
.Formula = "=LEFT(INPUT!H4,SEARCH("":"",INPUT!H4)-1)"
End With
答案 0 :(得分:3)
Sub Tester()
j = 2
i = 2
k = 4
Do While ws.Cells(k, 1) <> ""
If ws.Cells(k, 2) = "Data Not Found" Then
Invalid.Cells(i, 1) = ws.Cells(k, 1)
i = i + 1
With SEI.Rows(j)
.Cells(1).Value = ws.Cells(k, 1).Value
.cells(2).Value = GetValue(ws.cells(k, 2), 2)
.cells(3).Value = GetValue(ws.cells(k, 3), 2, 8)
.Cells(4).Value = ws.Cells(k, 4).Value
.cells(5).Value = GetValue(ws.cells(k, 5), 1)
.cells(6).Value = GetValue(ws.cells(k, 6), 1)
.cells(7).Value = GetValue(ws.cells(k, 7), 1)
.cells(8).Value = GetValue(ws.cells(k, 8), 1)
End With
j = j + 1
End If
k = k + 1
End Sub
Function GetValue(valIn, partNum As Long, Optional length As Long = 0)
Dim rv
rv = ""
On Error Resume Next
rv = Trim(Split(valIn, ":")(partNum - 1))
On Error GoTo 0
If Len(rv) = 0 Then rv = "???" 'comment out this line if you just want
' nothing returned if no content matched
On Error GoTo 0
If length > 0 Then rv = Left(rv, length)
GetValue = Trim(rv)
End Function
Split("A:B:C", ":")(0) is "A"
Split("A:B:C", ":")(1) is "B"
Split("A:B:C", ":")(2) is "C"