数组被转换为dict json数据

时间:2014-03-21 05:48:57

标签: php json

我试图创建一个多维关联数组但是当我对数组进行json编码时,它会将其显示为Dict而不是数组。这可能是我使用钥匙的方式 $ this-> jsonArray ['朋友'] [$ status] = $ friend;


// Connection to Database

// Username Submitted
$username = $_POST['signinusername'];

// Password Submitted
$password = $_POST['signinpassword'];

// Creates new instance of Login Class
$user = new Login($username, $password, $db);

 * Login Class
 * This class takes the username and password posted and checks whether they match
 * a username and password in the database if they do two other functions are called
 * that get both the friends of that user and the groups they are in. All data is encoded in json
 * @copyright  2014 Phil and Matt Technologies
 * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt   PHP License 3.0
 * @version    Release: @package_version@
 * @link       http://grouporder.site90.net/signin.php
 * @since      Class available since Version 1.0

class Login

  private $connection;
  private $id;
  private $username;
  private $password;
  private $status;
  private $idArray = array();
  private $nameArray = array();
  private $jsonArray = array('Friends' => array(),'Groups' => array()); 

 * Function Constructor
 * @param Name $username Stores the submitted username in a private variable.
 * @param Password $password Stores the submitted password in a private variable.
 * @param Object $db Creates new mysqli connection to database and stores it in a private variable.

  function __construct($username, $password, $db)
    $this->username = $username;
    $this->password = $password;
    $this->connection = $db;


 * Checks if username and password are correct
 * @return Status

  private function authenticate()

    $query = "SELECT idUser,Password FROM Users 
              WHERE Username = ?
              LIMIT 1 ";

    if($stmt = $this->connection->prepare($query))

      $stmt->bind_param('s', $this->username);

      // compare the password to the expected hash
      if (password_verify($this->password, $hash))
        $this->status = 'Sucess';


        $this->status = 'Failed';      



    $this->jsonArray['Status'] = $this->status;


 * Checks database for friends of logged in user.
 * @return Friends List

  private function getFriends()

    $query = "SELECT Username, Status 
              FROM Users 
              INNER JOIN Friends 
              ON Users.idUser = Friends.idFriend 
              WHERE Status = 'Accepted' AND Friends.idUser = ? ";

        // Prepares and excutes the query
        if($stmt = $this->connection->prepare($query))

            $stmt->bind_param('s', $this->id);
            $stmt->bind_result($friend, $status); 

            for ($i=0; $stmt->fetch(); $i++) 
               $this->jsonArray['Friends'][$status] = $friend;



 * Checks database for groups and members of that group of logged in user.
 * @return Group List

  private function Groups()

    // Mysql query that gets all group names in the database that the user is a member of
    $groupName = "SELECT GroupName, Groups.idGroup  
                  FROM Groups
                  INNER JOIN Members
                  ON Groups.idGroup = Members.idGroup
                  WHERE Members.idMember = ? ";

    // Mysql query that gets all members in each group that the user is a member of
    $groupMembers = "SELECT Users.Username, Users.idUser
                     FROM Members
                     INNER JOIN Users
                     ON Members.idMember = Users.idUser
                     WHERE idGroup = ? ";

    // Prepares and excutes the query                 
    if($stmt = $this->connection->prepare($groupName))

      $stmt->bind_param('s', $this->id);
      $stmt->bind_result($groupName, $idGroup);
      $groupNum = $stmt->num_rows;

      while ($stmt->fetch()) 

        $this->idArray[] = $idGroup;
        $this->nameArray[] = $groupName;




    // For loop that checks the database for members part of users groups and appends them to array grouplist

      for ($i=0; $i < $groupNum; $i++) 

        // Helper Variable that holds each helperArray element
        $idVariable = $this->idArray[$i];
        $nameVariable = $this->nameArray[$i];

        $this->jsonArray['Groups'][$nameVariable]['GroupID'] = $idVariable;

        // Prepares and excutes the query
        if($stmt = $this->connection->prepare($groupMembers))
          $stmt->bind_param('s', $idVariable);
          $stmt->bind_result($username, $userid);

          for ($j = 0; $stmt->fetch(); $j++) 

          // Adds user to list of users of that group
          $this->jsonArray['Groups'][$nameVariable]['GroupMembers'][$userid] = $username;





   * Function Destructor

   public function __destruct()
      echo json_encode($this->jsonArray);





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