我必须将非规范化表中的产品导入Access 97文件。这个方案不能改变,所以我不能使用SQL。我使用以下例程导入产品。文件中有7000多种产品,功能需要很长时间。有没有办法加快速度?
Public Sub ImportToOrders()
'Dim actualFileName As String = IO.Path.GetFileName(filename)
'Dim streamReader As New IO.StreamReader(filename)
'Dim streamWriter As New IO.StreamWriter(filename & ".tsv")
Dim strFile As String = "C:\windows\figure.ini"
Dim strRet As String
Dim inifile As New IniFileManager
strRet = inifile.ReadINI(strFile, "DATABASE SECTION", "FILENAME", "")
Dim strPriCatFile As String = ""
strPriCatFile = "C:\three_software\incoming\skechers\Pricat.edi.tsv"
Dim fields As String()
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim delimiter As String = ControlChars.Tab
Using parser As New TextFieldParser(strPriCatFile)
While Not parser.EndOfData
counter = counter + 1
' Read in the fields for the current line
fields = parser.ReadFields()
If counter = 1 Then
'this will be the header row we want to ignore this
' the fiels we will go ahead and parse
WriteData(fields(1), fields(3), fields(4), fields(6), fields(5), fields(11), fields(8), fields(9), fields(11), fields(10), fields(12), fields(13), fields(14), "t")
End If
Debug.Write("Records Importing" + counter.ToString())
End While
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Public Function WriteData(sUPCode As String, sColourDescription As String, sSize As String, sColorCode As String, sDivsionDescription As String, sDescription As String, sDepartment As String, sSubDeparment As String, sProductShortDescription As String, sGender As String, sProductDescription As String, sCostPrice As String, sRetailPrice As String, sDiscountedPrice As String)
Dim pricateTableAdapter As New SkechersPricatTableAdapter()
pricateTableAdapter.Insert(1, sUPCode, "stylenumber", sColourDescription, sSize, sColorCode, sDivsionDescription, sDepartment, sSubDeparment, sProductShortDescription, sGender, sProductDescription, sCostPrice, sRetailPrice, sDiscountedPrice)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function