C ++ - 矢量分割错误

时间:2014-03-20 02:05:22

标签: c++ linux g++ ubuntu-13.10 blackjack

我目前正在为我的大学课程开设名为Blackjack的CMSC项目。我正在尝试将另一个名为Card的类添加到另一个名为Hand的类中的矢量对象中。 Hand类作为对象存储在另一个向量中,称为Player。



#include "Blackjack.h"
#include <iostream>

  // Initialize the dealer
  Player dealer((char *) "Dealer", 100);
  m_dealer = dealer;

  // Initialize a player 'Jane' with 100 funds
  Player player((char *) "Jane", 100);

Blackjack::Blackjack(char *names[], int numPlayers)
  // Initialize the dealer
  Player dealer((char *) "Dealer", 100);
  m_dealer = dealer;

  // Loop through all passed player names
  for(int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++)
      // Initialize a player 'names[i]' with 100 funds
      Player player(names[i], 100);

int Blackjack::GetNumPlayers()
  // Return the size of the players vector
  return m_players.size();

char *Blackjack::GetPlayerName(int player)
  // Return the requested player's name
  return m_players[player].GetName();

int Blackjack::GetPlayerFunds(int player)
  // Return the requested player's funds
  return m_players[player].GetFunds();

void Blackjack::SetPlayerFunds(int player, int amt)
  // Set the requested player's funds

bool Blackjack::SetPlayerBet(int player, int amt)
  // If the player has insufficient funds
  if(m_players[player].GetFunds() < amt)
      // Return false
      return false;

  // Subtract the amount from the player funds
  m_players[player].SetFunds(m_players[player].GetFunds() - amt);
  // Add the amount to the player bet
  // Return true
  return true;

void Blackjack::NewDeal()
  // Create a new unsorted 52 card deck
  Deck deck;
  // Initialize m_deck to the new deck
  m_deck = deck;
  // Shuffle m_deck

  // 2 cards for dealer, 2 cards for each player
  int cardsToDeal = 2 + (2 * m_players.size());

  // While we still have cards to deal
  while(cardsToDeal > 0)
      // Deal to each player
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_players.size(); i++)
      std::cout << "Deal Player Card" << std::endl;
      // Deal one card to the player
      // Decrement the number of cards to deal

      std::cout << "Deal Dealer Card" << std::endl;
      // Deal the dealer one card
      // Decrement the number of cards to deal

void Blackjack::OutputPlayerHand(int player)
  std::cout << "Player Output Card." << std::endl;

void Blackjack::OutputDealerHand()
  // TODO: Code Method

bool Blackjack::HitPlayer(int player)
  // TODO: Code Method
  return false;

void Blackjack::DealerPlay()
  // TODO: Code Method

int Blackjack::SettlePlayerBet(int player)
  // TODO: Code Method
  return -1;


#include "Player.h"

  m_name = (char *) "Jane";
  m_funds = 100;
  m_bet = 0;

Player::Player(char *name, int funds)
  m_name = name;
  m_funds = funds;
  m_bet = 0;

char *Player::GetName()
  return m_name;

void Player::SetName(char *name)
  m_name = name;

int Player::GetFunds()
  return m_funds;

void Player::SetFunds(int funds)
  m_funds = funds;

int Player::GetBet()
  return m_bet;

void Player::SetBet(int bet)
  m_bet = bet;

Hand Player::GetHand()
  return m_hand;


#include "Hand.h"

void Hand::AddCard(Card card)

Card Hand::GetCard(int card)
  return m_cards[card];

int Hand::Size()
  return m_cards.size();

void Hand::Clear()


 * CHANGES TO Blackjack.h SPEC:
 *   added new member funcs:
 *     char *GetPlayerName(int)
 *     int GetNumPlayers()
 *     void OutputDealerHand()
 *   HitPlayer() should print out the card that was dealt.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "Blackjack.h"

using namespace std;

Blackjack *CreateGame(int argc, char *argv[]);
int ProcessArgs(int argCnt, char *args[], char **&names, int *&funds);
void DoNewDeal(Blackjack &game);
void ProcAllBets(Blackjack &game);
void DoAllPlays(Blackjack &game);
void PlayOnePlayer(Blackjack &game, int player);
void SettleAllPlayers(Blackjack &game);
void ShowAllPlayerFunds(Blackjack &game);
bool QueryAnotherRound();

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Blackjack *game;
    int round;

    cout << "Welcome to CMSC 202 Blackjack!\n";
    game = CreateGame(argc, argv);

    round = 0;
    do {
    cout << "\nRound " << ++round << ":\n";
    } while (QueryAnotherRound());

    cout << "\nGoodbye!\n";
    return 0;

Blackjack *CreateGame(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char **names;
    int *funds;
    int numPlayers;
    Blackjack *game;

    numPlayers = ProcessArgs(argc - 1, &argv[1], names, funds);
    game = new Blackjack(names, numPlayers);
    for (int p = 0; p < numPlayers; p++) {
    game->SetPlayerFunds(p, funds[p]);
    return game;

int ProcessArgs(int argCnt, char *args[], char **&names, int *&funds) {
    int i, p;
    int numRecs = argCnt / 2;

    names = static_cast<char **>(calloc(numRecs, sizeof(char *)));
    funds = static_cast<int *>(calloc(numRecs, sizeof(int)));

    for (p = 0, i = 0; p < numRecs; p++) {
    names[p] = args[i++];
    funds[p] = atoi(args[i++]);
    return p;

void ProcAllBets(Blackjack &game) {
    int numPlayers = game.GetNumPlayers();
    int bet;

    for (int p = 0; p < numPlayers; p++) {
        cout << "How much does " << game.GetPlayerName(p) << " bet? ";
    cin >> bet;
    cout << endl;  // For neat scripting
    if (!game.SetPlayerBet(p, bet)) {
        cout << "Illegal bet--changing to $0\n";
        game.SetPlayerBet(p, 0);

void DoNewDeal(Blackjack &game) {
    int numPlayers = game.GetNumPlayers();

    cout << "The players' hands:\n";
    for (int p = 0; p < numPlayers; p++) {
    cout << game.GetPlayerName(p) << ": ";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Dealer: ";
    game.OutputDealerHand();  // This hides dealer's hole card
    cout << "\n\n";

void DoAllPlays(Blackjack &game) {
    int numPlayers = game.GetNumPlayers();
    int p;

    for (p = 0; p < numPlayers; p++) {
    PlayOnePlayer(game, p);

void PlayOnePlayer(Blackjack &game, int player) {
    char *name = game.GetPlayerName(player);
    string answer;
    bool hit, busted;

    cout << ">>" << name << "'s turn:\n";
    busted = false;
    do {
    cout << "Hand: ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << name << "'s play: ";
    cin >> answer;
    cout << endl;  // For neat scripting
    answer[0] == 'y' || answer[0] == 'Y';
    hit = (answer[0] == 'h' || answer[0] == 'H');
    if (hit) {
        busted = game.HitPlayer(player);
    } while (hit && !busted);
    if (busted) {
    cout << "Busted!\n";
    cout << endl;

void SettleAllPlayers(Blackjack &game) {
    int numPlayers = game.GetNumPlayers();
    int p;

    for (p = 0; p < numPlayers; p++) {
    // Above should print out:
    //  Joe has busted--Dealer wins", or "Sally has 15--Dealer loses"
    cout << endl;

void ShowAllPlayerFunds(Blackjack &game) {
    int numPlayers = game.GetNumPlayers();
    int p;

    for (p = 0; p < numPlayers; p++) {
    cout << game.GetPlayerName(p) << " now has $"
         << game.GetPlayerFunds(p) << endl;
    cout << endl;

bool QueryAnotherRound() {
    string answer;

    cout << "Another round? ";
    cin >> answer;
    cout << endl;  // For neat scripting
    return answer[0] == 'y' || answer[0] == 'Y';



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


此行:m_players[i].GetHand().AddCard(m_deck.DealCard())仅将卡片添加到临时副本中 让GetHand()返回参考,你的玩家将获得卡片。
