
时间:2014-03-19 13:35:12

标签: c# asp.net entity-framework c#-4.0 linq-to-entities

我在我的存储库中使用Generic Repository作为DataLayer。现在我正在创建一个新实体(Order),并根据用户选择的值向其添加OrderDetail。

每个OrderDetail都有一个 - >与产品的一种关系。用户选择一个产品,然后将其添加到OrderDetail中,并将其添加到订单中。

现在,Order和OrderDetail是" new"对象,但是从我的数据库中检索Product(及其相关实体)并将其添加到OrderItem(当时一个)。因此,它们附加到DynamicProxy(我的上下文由Generic Repository创建)



实体对象不能被多个实例引用   IEntityChangeTracker



///     ///这是数据访问层管理类。     ///     公共部分类MyDataLayer     {         ///         ///这是我们存储此类实例的关键。         ///这在属性中使用。         ///         private static readonly string UOW_INSTANCE_KEY =" MyDataLayer_Instance";

    /// <summary>
    /// This is used for thread-safety when creating the instance of this class to be stored in
    /// the UnitOfWorkStore.
    /// </summary>
    private static readonly object s_objSync = new object();

    // The DataContext object
    private readonly ITTEntities m_context;

    // ********************************************************************************
    // *** Constructor(s) *************************************************************
    // ********************************************************************************

    /// <summary>
    /// Default constructor.  Creates a new MyEntities DataContext object.
    /// This is hidden (private) because the instance creation is managed as a "unit-of-work", via the
    /// <see cref="Instance" /> property.
    /// </summary>
    private MyDataLayer()
        m_context = new ITTEntities();

    // ********************************************************************************
    // *** Public properties **********************************************************
    // ********************************************************************************

    /// <summary>
    /// The ObjectContext object that gives us access to our business entities.
    /// Note that this is NOT static.
    /// </summary>
    public ITTEntities Context
        get { return m_context; }

    /// <summary>
    /// This will get the "one-and-only" instance of the MyDataLayer that exists for the lifetime of the current "unit of work",
    /// which might be the lifetime of the currently running console application, a Request/Response iteration of an asp.net web app,
    /// an async postback to a web service, etc.
    /// This will never return null.  If an instance hasn't been created yet, accessing this property will create one (thread-safe).
    /// This uses the <see cref="UnitOfWorkStore" /> class to store the "one-and-only" instance.
    /// This is the instance that is used by all of the DAL's partial entity classes, when they need a reference to a MyEntities context
    /// (MyDataLayer.Instance.Context).
    /// </summary>
    public static MyDataLayer Instance
            object instance = UnitOfWorkStore.GetData(UOW_INSTANCE_KEY);

            // Dirty, non-thread safe check
            if (instance == null)
                lock (s_objSync)
                    // Thread-safe check, now that we're locked
                    if (instance == null) // Ignore resharper warning that "expression is always true".  It's not considering thread-safety.
                        // Create a new instance of the MyDataLayer management class, and store it in the UnitOfWorkStore,
                        // using the string literal key defined in this class.
                        instance = new MyDataLayer();
                        UnitOfWorkStore.SetData(UOW_INSTANCE_KEY, instance);

            return (MyDataLayer)instance;

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