错误:最佳重载方法匹配' ClassData.Add(string,string,int,int,object)'有一些无效的论点

时间:2014-03-19 05:40:43

标签: c#


1. Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Data.SqlDbType' to 'int'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?). 

2. cannot convert from 'System.Data.SqlDbType' to 'int'. 

3. The best overloaded method match for 'ClassData.Add(string, string, int, int, object)' has some invalid arguments.

4. The best overloaded method match for 'ClassData.AddNText(string, string, int, int, System.Text.StringBuilder)' has some invalid arguments.


public bool SaveToDatabase(string mSpname)
bool rtVal = false;

    string Proc_Code = this.ForStatus_Update != 0 ? string.Empty : this.mClsOBR.ListOBR[0].Proc_Code;
    int Type_Code = this.ForStatus_Update != 0 ? 0 : this.mClsOBR.ListOBR[0].Type_Code;

    clsDs = new classDataSource();
    clsDs.Add(mSpname.Trim(), "@pWinBookid", SqlDbType.Int, 4, this.Winbookid);
    clsDs.Add("", "@pNMRNO", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, this.NMRNO);
    clsDs.Add("", "@Proc_Code", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 7, Proc_Code);
    clsDs.Add("", "@Type_Code", SqlDbType.Int, 4, Type_Code);

    //MsgBox(String.Concat("Proce :", Me.mClsOBR.ListOBR(0).Proc_Code, " Type Code:", Me.mClsOBR.ListOBR(0).Type_Code.ToString))
    StringBuilder sb = GetStreamBulderHL7(this.dtMessage);
    writeMessage(sb.ToString(), true);
    clsDs.AddNText("", "@pHL7Results", SqlDbType.NText, sb.Length, sb);
    clsDs.Add("", "@ImgItemID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, 0);
    clsDs.Add("", "@PatStausUpdate", SqlDbType.Int, 4, this.ForStatus_Update);

    writeMessage(string.Concat("Winbookid :", this.Winbookid, " NMRNO:", this.NMRNO), true);
    writeMessage(string.Concat("Proce :", Proc_Code, " Type Code:", Type_Code.ToString()), true);
    //srDr = clsDs.GetRs("ConnMedicalLab", 0)

    using (SqlDataReader srDr = clsDs.GetRs("IMAGEDB", 0))


    rtVal = true;

catch (Exception ex)
    writeMessage(string.Concat(ex.Source, "Error :", ex.Message));
    ModuleHl7.WriteExeptionLog(ex, "Problem in Saving to SQL  - Called From: SaveToDatabase_Success");
    rtVal = false;
return rtVal;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


clsDs.Add(mSpname.Trim(), "@pWinBookid", SqlDbType.Int, 4, this.Winbookid);
clsDs.Add("", "@pNMRNO", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, this.NMRNO);
clsDs.Add("", "@Proc_Code", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 7, Proc_Code);
clsDs.Add("", "@Type_Code", SqlDbType.Int, 4, Type_Code);


clsDs.Add(mSpname.Trim(), "@pWinBookid", Some_Int_Value_Here, 4, this.Winbookid);
clsDs.Add("", "@pNMRNO", Some_Int_Value_Here, 10, this.NMRNO);
clsDs.Add("", "@Proc_Code", Some_Int_Value_Here, 7, Proc_Code);
clsDs.Add("", "@Type_Code", Some_Int_Value_Here, 4, Type_Code);