
时间:2014-03-18 22:32:07

标签: c# reflection event-handling .net-3.5 c#-3.0


namespace ConsoleApplication
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Device device = new Device();
            device.Command += new EventHandler<DeviceSpecialArgs>(device_Command);

        public static void device_Command(Object source, DeviceSpecialArgs args)
            Console.WriteLine("Command: {0}, Reguest: {1}", args.Command, args.Request);


namespace ConsoleApplication
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Load the assembly
        string dllPath = @"C:\Temp\Device.dll"
        Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(dllPath);

        // Instanciate Device
        Type deviceType = asm.GetType("Device");
        object device = Activator.CreateInstance(deviceType);

        // How do I subscribe to the Command event?

    // args would normally be a DeviceSpecialArgs but since that type is 
    // unknown at compile time, how do I prototype the handler?
    public static void device_Command(Object source, ??? args)
        Console.WriteLine("Command: {0}, Reguest: {1}", args.Command, args.Request);

如何使用反射订阅活动?另外,我应该如何对处理程序本身进行原型化,因为&#34; args&#34;在编译时是未知的?仅供参考,我是C#3和.NET 3.5。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



public interface IDeviceSpecialArgs
    string Command { get; }
    string Request { get; }

public interface IDevice
    event EventHandler<IDeviceSpecialArgs> Command;


public sealed class DeviceSpecialArgs : EventArgs, IDeviceSpecialArgs
    private readonly string command;
    private readonly string request;

    public string Command
        get { return command; }

    public string Request
        get { return request; }

    public DeviceSpecialArgs(string command, string request)
        this.command = command;
        this.request = request;

public class Device : IDevice
    public event EventHandler<IDeviceSpecialArgs> Command;



IDevice device = Activator.CreateInstance(deviceType) as IDevice;


device.Command += new EventHandler<IDeviceSpecialArgs>(device_Command);


internal class DeviceEvent
    private readonly Type deviceType;
    private readonly Type deviceSpecialArgsType;

    public DeviceEvent()
        // Load the assembly
        const string dllPath = @"C:\Temp\Device.dll";
        Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(dllPath);

        // Get types
        deviceType = asm.GetType("Device");
        deviceSpecialArgsType = asm.GetType("DeviceSpecialArgs");

        // Instantiate Device
        object device = Activator.CreateInstance(deviceType);
        // Subscribe to the Command event
        deviceType.GetEvent("Command").AddEventHandler(device, (Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(EventHandler), GetType().GetMethod("Device_Command", BindingFlags.NonPublic))));

    private void Device_Command(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string command = deviceSpecialArgsType.GetProperty("Command", BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(e, null).ToString();
        string request = deviceSpecialArgsType.GetProperty("Request", BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(e, null).ToString();