
时间:2010-02-12 00:08:10

标签: jquery text trim

我的问题与“Trim text to 340 chars”非常相似,但在 jQuery 中。这听起来很直接,但是当我四处搜索时,我找不到任何参考资料。

好的,我有一个div $('#content')我想将文字修剪为'x'字符数量让我们说'600'但是我不希望它破坏这个词它自己!喜欢NOT' The Ques ... '但是' 问题...... '。

其他文字会发生什么?好吧,我隐藏它并会根据要求显示它!但是等一下,首先应该删除“ ... ”并在隐藏文本后立即显示文字。


<div id="content">
    <p>Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore.</p>
    <p>Writing example text is very boring.</p>
    <p>Specially when you are dumb enough not to copy and paste. Oh!</p>
    <p>Once it sheltered the rogues and rapscallions of the British Empire; now Kangaroo Island is ready and waiting for some derring-do of your own. Venture into the rugged wilds of the island, traversing untamed bushland and pristine beaches seeking out seal, penguin and sea lion colonies. Meet the land loving locals - koalas, goannas, echidnas and the island's own species of kangaroo. </p>



在午夜沉闷,而我   思索着疲惫不堪,疲惫不堪   古怪和好奇的卷被遗忘   绝杀。


编写示例文本是...... [读取   更多]



在午夜沉闷,而我   思索着疲惫不堪,疲惫不堪   古怪和好奇的卷被遗忘   知识。




特别是当你不够傻的时候   复制和粘贴。哦!


一旦它庇护了流氓和   大英帝国的呐喊;   现在袋鼠岛准备好了   等待你的某些事情   拥有。冒险进入崎岖的野外   岛上,穿越野性   丛林和原始海滩寻求   密封,企鹅和海狮   群落。满足土地爱好的当地人    - 考拉,高粱,针鼹和岛上自己的袋鼠种类。

更新 我发现这两个插件与这个最佳答案基本相同。然而,最佳答案有一些功能,这些插件没有,反之亦然!

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:21)


<script type="text/javascript">
var shortText = $("#content").text()    // get the text within the div
    .trim()    // remove leading and trailing spaces
    .substring(0, 600)    // get first 600 characters
    .split(" ") // separate characters into an array of words
    .slice(0, -1)    // remove the last full or partial word
    .join(" ") + "..."; // combine into a single string and append "..."

答案 1 :(得分:13)

嗯,有一个插件。 jQuery Expander

答案 2 :(得分:11)

此代码假定标记始终是平衡的,并且唯一没有关闭标记的标记将为<br />(尽管如果需要可以很容易地补救)。

#content {
    width: 800px;
    overflow: hidden;
.revealText {
    background: white; /* Strange problem in ie8 where the sliding animation goes too far
                            if revealText doesn't have a background color!  */
.hiddenText {

.readMore {
    cursor: pointer;
    color: blue;
.ellipsis {
    color: black;

$('document').ready(function() {


$('.readMore').on('click', function() {
    var $hidden = $('.hiddenText');
    if($hidden.is(':hidden')) {
        $(this).insertAfter($('#content')).children('.readMoreText').text(' [Read Less] ').siblings().hide();
    } else {
        $(this).appendTo($('.revealText')).children('.readMoreText').text(' [Read More] ').siblings().show();


function truncate(element) {
    $(element + ' p').css({display: 'inline'});

    var theText = $(element).html();        // Original Text
    var item;                               // Current tag or text area being iterated
    var convertedText = '<span class="revealText">';    // String that will represent the finished result
    var limit = 154;                        // Max characters (though last word is retained in full)
    var counter = 0;                        // Track how far we've come (compared to limit)
    var lastTag;                            // Hold a reference to the last opening tag
    var lastOpenTags = [];                  // Stores an array of all opening tags (they get removed as tags are closed)
    var nowHiding = false;                  // Flag to set to show that we're now in the hiding phase

    theText = theText.replace(/[\s\n\r]{2,}/g, ' ');            // Consolidate multiple white-space characters down to one. (Otherwise the counter will count each of them.)
    theText = theText.replace(/(<[^<>]+>)/g,'|*|SPLITTER|*|$1|*|SPLITTER|*|');                      // Find all tags, and add a splitter to either side of them.
    theText = theText.replace(/(\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\|)(\s*)\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\|/g,'$1$2');           // Find consecutive splitters, and replace with one only.
    theText = theText.replace(/^[\s\t\r]*\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\||\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\|[\s\t\r]*$/g,''); // Get rid of unnecessary splitter (if any) at beginning and end.
    theText = theText.split(/\|\*\|SPLITTER\|\*\|/);            // Split theText where there's a splitter. Now we have an array of tags and words.

    for(var i in theText) {                                     // Iterate over the array of tags and words.
        item = theText[i];                                      // Store current iteration in a variable (for convenience)
        lastTag = lastOpenTags[lastOpenTags.length - 1];        // Store last opening tag in a variable (for convenience)
        if( !item.match(/<[^<>]+>/) ) {                         // If 'item' is not a tag, we have text
            if(lastTag && item.charAt(0) == ' ' && !lastTag[1].match(/span|SPAN/)) item = item.substr(1);   // Remove space from beginning of block elements (like IE does) to make results match cross browser
            if(!nowHiding) {                                        // If we haven't started hiding yet...
                counter += item.length;                             // Add length of text to counter.
                if(counter >= limit) {                              // If we're past the limit...
                    var length = item.length - 1;                   // Store the current item's length (minus one).
                    var position = (length) - (counter - limit);    // Get the position in the text where the limit landed.
                    while(position != length) {                     // As long as we haven't reached the end of the text...
                        if( !!item.charAt(position).match(/[\s\t\n]/) || position == length )   // Check if we have a space, or are at the end.
                            break;                                  // If so, break out of loop.
                        else position++;                            // Otherwise, increment position.
                    if(position != length) position--;
                    var closeTag = '', openTag = '';                // Initialize open and close tag for last tag.
                    if(lastTag) {                                   // If there was a last tag,
                        closeTag = '</' + lastTag[1] + '>';         // set the close tag to whatever the last tag was,
                        openTag = '<' + lastTag[1] + lastTag[2] + '>';  // and the open tag too.
                    // Create transition from revealed to hidden with the appropriate tags, and add it to our result string
                    var transition = '<span class="readMore"><span class="ellipsis">...</span><span class="readMoreText"> [Read More] </span></span>' + closeTag + '</span><span class="hiddenText">' + openTag;
                    convertedText += (position == length)   ? (item).substr(0) + transition
                                                                : (item).substr(0,position + 1) + transition + (item).substr(position + 1).replace(/^\s/, '&nbsp;');
                    nowHiding = true;       // Now we're hiding.
                    continue;               // Break out of this iteration.
        } else {                                                // Item wasn't text. It was a tag.
            if(!item.match(/<br>|<BR>/)) {                      // If it is a <br /> tag, ignore it.
                if(!item.match(/\//)) {                         // If it is not a closing tag...
                    lastOpenTags.push(item.match(/<(\w+)(\s*[^>]*)>/));     // Store it as the most recent open tag we've found.
                } else {                                                    // If it is a closing tag.
                    if(item.match(/<\/(\w+)>/)[1] == lastOpenTags[lastOpenTags.length - 1][1]) {    // If the closing tag is a paired match with the last opening tag...
                        lastOpenTags.pop();                                                         // ...remove the last opening tag.
                    if(item.match(/<\/[pP]>/)) {            // Check if it is a closing </p> tag
                        convertedText += ('<span class="paragraphBreak"><br> <br> </span>');    // If so, add two line breaks to form paragraph
        convertedText += (item);            // Add the item to the result string.
    convertedText += ('</span>');           // After iterating over all tags and text, close the hiddenText tag.
    $(element).html(convertedText);         // Update the container with the result.

<div id="content">
    <p>Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore.</p>
    <p>Writing example text is very boring.</p>
    <p>Specially when you are dumb enough not to copy and paste. Oh!</p>
    <p>Once it sheltered the rogues and rapscallions of the British Empire; now Kangaroo Island is ready and waiting for some derring-do of your own. Venture into the rugged wilds of the island, traversing untamed bushland and pristine beaches seeking out seal, penguin and sea lion colonies. Meet the land loving locals - koalas, goannas, echidnas and the island's own species of kangaroo. </p>

答案 3 :(得分:-1)

您可以使用jQuery Expander插件轻松完成此操作。   http://plugins.learningjquery.com/expander/index.html#download