public class GpsListener implements LocationListener {
private String TAG = "GpsListener";
private RefreshThread runnable = null;
private Thread thread = null;
private Context context = null;
public GpsListener(Context context) {
// this.mapHandler = mapHandler;
this.context = context;
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.i(TAG, "onLocationChanged");
Log.i(TAG, "latitude: " + location.getLatitude() + "\n" + "longitude: "
+ location.getLongitude());
TestThread t1 = new TestThread(location.getLatitude(),
location.getLongitude(), context);
Thread t = new Thread(t1);
public class TestThread implements Runnable {
private Handler handler = new Handler();
private RefreshThread thread = null;// new RefreshThread();
private double latitude;
private double longitude;
private Context context;
private String TAG = "TestThread";
public TestThread(double latitude, double longitude, Context context) {
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
this.context = context;
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.i(TAG, "run");
thread = new RefreshThread(latitude, longitude, context, handler);
public class RefreshThread implements Runnable {
private double latitude;
private double longitude;
private Handler handler = null;
private String TAG = "RefreshTread";
private int time = 10000;
private Context context = null;
public RefreshThread(double latitude, double longitude, Context context,
Handler handler) {// ,
// MapHandler
// mapHandler) {
this.longitude = longitude;
this.latitude = latitude;
// this.mapHandler = mapHandler;
this.handler = handler;
this.context = context;
public void run() {
Log.i(TAG, "run");
// while (true) {
Log.i(TAG, "doing work");
GetMapDataTask task = new GetMapDataTask();
task.execute("asfasf#123", longitude + "#" + latitude);
try {
String response = task.get();
Log.i(TAG, response);
Bundle data = new Bundle();
data.putDouble("longitude", longitude);
data.putDouble("latitude", latitude);
Intent intent = new Intent("updateMap");
ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
if (response != null && !response.equals("No POI")) {
ArrayList<String> temppoints = new ArrayList<String>();
while (response.contains("$")) {
String[] tempar = response.split("\\$", 2);
response = tempar[1];
for (String temp : temppoints) {
String[] tempar = temp.split("#");
Point temppoint = new Point(Double.parseDouble(tempar[1]),
Double.parseDouble(tempar[0]), tempar[2], tempar[3]);
// msg.obj = points;
} else
points = null;
intent.putExtra("data", data);
intent.putExtra("points", points);
// msg.obj = null;
// mapHandler.sendMessage(msg);
// Log.i(TAG, "finished work, going to sleep");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.i(TAG, "interrupted");
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// }
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
handler.postDelayed(this, time);
public class GetMapDataTask extends AsyncTask<String, Object, String> {
private final String METHOD_NAME = "getMapData";
private final String NAMESPACE = "http://server/";
private final String WSDL_URL = "";
private String TAG = "GetMapDataTask";
private final String SOAP_ACTION = "\"http://server/getMapData\"";
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.i(TAG, "doInBackground");
Log.i(TAG, params[0] + "," + params[1]);
// String userInfo = params[0];
SoapObject parameter = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
parameter.addProperty("user_data", params[0]);
parameter.addProperty("position", params[1]);
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(
// 3. Create an HTTP Transport object to send the web service request
HttpTransportSE httpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(WSDL_URL, 30000);
httpTransport.debug = true; // allows capture of raw request/respose in
// Logcat
// 4. Make the web service invocation
try {
httpTransport.call(SOAP_ACTION, envelope);
} catch (HttpResponseException e) {
Log.i(TAG, "Error1");
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.i(TAG, "Error2");
return "Error while connectiong to the server";
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
Log.i(TAG, "Error3");
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// Logging the raw request and response (for debugging purposes)
Log.d(TAG, "HTTP REQUEST:\n" + httpTransport.requestDump);
Log.d(TAG, "HTTP RESPONSE:\n" + httpTransport.responseDump);
String processedResponse = null;
// 5. Process the web service response
if (envelope.bodyIn instanceof SoapObject) { // SoapObject = SUCCESS
SoapObject soapObject = (SoapObject) envelope.bodyIn;
processedResponse = parseSOAPResponse(soapObject);
// ... do whatever you want with this object now
} else if (envelope.bodyIn instanceof SoapFault) { // SoapFault =FAILURE
SoapFault soapFault = (SoapFault) envelope.bodyIn;
processedResponse = soapFault.faultstring;
try {
throw new Exception(soapFault.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return processedResponse;
首先我尝试使用服务而不是测试线程,但我的应用程序挂在httpTransport.call(SOAP_ACTION,信封); 如果服务不可用(我根本没有启动它)30秒,因为 HttpTransportSE httpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(WSDL_URL,30000); 所以我试图使用testThread,这样就不会发生这种情况。但确实如此。
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