
时间:2014-03-17 17:12:56

标签: html css image text alignment


我尝试浮动图像,但它只保留在右侧,而文本完全位于其上方。 我不想将图像放在文本中的某个位置,以便达到这种对齐方式。我想通过在任何时候对代码进行这种对齐来以某种方式实现这一目标:

 <p>Random text prevailed sincerity behaviour to so do principle mr. As
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 First on smart there he sense. Earnestly enjoyment her you resources.
 Brother chamber ten old against. Mr be cottage so related minuter is.
 Delicate say and blessing ladyship exertion few margaret. Delight
 herself welcome against smiling its for. Suspected discovery by he
 affection household of principle perfectly he. </p>

 <img src='image.jpg' alt='bla'>


enter image description here

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