我遇到了改变显示内容的php变量的问题 这是我的JS代码:
var ajax = 1;
var button;
button = $(this);
$(this).siblings("ul").slideToggle('slow', function(){
var number = $(this).children('h1').html();
var data = 'number=' + number;
//url: 'ajax-realizacje.html',
url: 'aktualnosci.class.php',
async: true,
data: data,
success: function(){
limit_page = number;
limit_page是外部文件的变量,我正在尝试更改 这是我加载内容的php函数:
function LoadArticles($pages = 0, $page = 0) {
$start = ($pages - $page) * $this->limit_page;
$q = "SELECT p.*, d.title, d.title_url, d.content, d.content_short, d.tagi FROM " . $this->table . " p ";
$q .= "LEFT JOIN " . $this->tableDescription . " d ON p.id=d.parent_id ";
$q .= "WHERE d.language_id=? AND p.active=1 AND d.active=1 ";
$q .= "ORDER BY p.date_add DESC, p.id DESC ";
$q .= "LIMIT ?,? ";
$params = array(
array(dbStatement::INTEGER, _ID),
array(dbStatement::INTEGER, $start),
array(dbStatement::INTEGER, $this->limit_page)
$statement = $this->db->query($q, $params);
$articles = array();
while ($row = $statement->fetch_assoc()) {
$row['content'] = strip_tags($row['content']);
$row['url'] = BASE_URL . '/' . $this->modul . '/' . $row['title_url'] . '.html';
$row['photo'] = $this->getPhotoUrl($row['photo']);
$row['date_add_org'] = $row['date_add'];
if (!empty($row['tagi'])) {
$row['tagi_url'] = explode('|', str_replace(' ', '-', $row['tagi']));
$row['tagi'] = explode('|', $row['tagi']);
$row['date_add'] = date("j", strtotime($row['date_add_org'])) . " " . miesiac2(date("n", strtotime($row['date_add_org']))) . " " . date("Y", strtotime($row['date_add_org'])) . "r";
$articles[] = $row;
return $articles;
问题是ajax似乎没有改变那个php变量 非常感谢你的帮助