线程“main”中的异常java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: writecoursefile.Course
fallListSort Application
Created for CSci 112 by Steve Pesce
last Edited 3/16
package falllistsort;
import java.io.*;
public class FallListSort {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
//declare new course array
Course[] fall2014 = new Course[24];
//use fall2014.ser to define fall2014[]
fall2014 = readFromFile();
//Test: print array
for (Course course: fall2014)
public static Course[] readFromFile() throws Exception
Course[] course = null; //course object to holde file data
//declare file and object stream variables and initialize to null
FileInputStream fallFile = null;
ObjectInputStream infile = null;
{ //File and stream objects
fallFile = new FileInputStream("fall2014.ser");
infile = new ObjectInputStream(fallFile);
//read objects from file
course = (Course[]) infile.readObject();
} catch (IOException exc)
return course;
}// end readfromFile()
public static void writeCSV(Course[] courseArray, int count) throws Exception
java.io.File courseCSV = new java.io.File("courses.csv");
java.io.PrintWriter outfile = new java.io.PrintWriter(courseCSV);
class Course implements Serializable {
private String campus; // the campus on which the course is offered
private String course; // the course number, such as CSCI 111
private String section; // the section number
private String crn; // the CRN for this section
private int credits; // the number od credits for the course
private String time; // the time the course is offered, such as 8:00 to 10:00 A.M.
private String days; // the Days the course is offered, suhc as MW
// constructors
Course() {
Course(String course, String section, String crn, int credits) {
this.course = course;
this.section = section;
this.crn = crn;
this.credits = credits;
} // end Course() initalizing
// muatator methods
public void setCampus(String cmp) {
this.campus = cmp;
}// end setCampus()
public void setCourse(String crse) {
this.course = crse;
}// end setCourse()
public void setSection(String sect) {
this.section = sect;
} // end setSection()
public void setCRN(String crn) {
this.crn = crn;
} // end setCRN()
public void setCredits(int cr) {
this.credits = cr;
} // end setCredits()
public void setTime(String tm) {
this.time = tm;
}// end setTime()
public void setDays(String days) {
this.days = days;
}// end setDays()
// accessor methods
public String getCampus() {
return campus;
} // end getCampus()
public String getCourse() {
return course;
} // end Course()
public String getSection() {
return section;
} // end getSection()
public String getCRN() {
return crn;
} // end getCRN()
public int getCredits() {
return credits;
} // end getCredits()
public String getTime() {
return time;
} // end getTime()
public String getDays() {
return days;
} // end getDays()
// method to compare by CRN using the String class compareTo()
public int compareTo(Course other) {
return this.crn.compareTo(other.getCRN());
} // end compareTO()
// method to return properties as a string
public String toString() {
return campus + " "
+ course + " "
+ section + " "
+ crn + " "
+ credits + " "
+ time + " "
+ days;
} // end toString()
// You will need to add a method to return properties as a CSV string on one line
/* public String toCSVString() {
} // end toCSVString()
}// end class Course