
时间:2014-03-16 15:13:14

标签: javascript jquery dom indexing focus

我有一个html页面,其中input字段可以添加删除。通过点击"在最后input字段上输入" 并通过点击组合" CTRL + Backspace" 在input字段中。

如果我只是添加或删除最后一个input字段,这样可以正常工作。 如果我开始删除中间的input字段,则无效。它不起作用,因为我通过 id-attribute 识别最后一行最后一个tr,如果我在中间删除input字段,概念将不再起作用。

作为当前的解决方案,我想知道活动tr的索引,这样我就不必转发我的 id-attributes 。使用当前tr我的意思是具有焦点的输入字段。 但是在这里我很挣扎,我只能使用 id-attribute 访问当前位置。

// get id from active element
activeElementID = $( position ).attr( 'id' );


// get id from active element
activeElementID = $( position ).attr( 'id' );

aEl = $( position ).parent(  ).index(  );
console.log( "INDEX: " + aEl );

// output on every input field: "INDEX: 0"


重要:每个tr行绑定到数组中的对象(在我的代码中称为Dom),tr的索引和数组的索引应该是相同的,以便我知道哪一行属于数组中的哪个元素。该数组将在tr / input字段中存储我需要的内容。



    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

    <title>Row test</title>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    // global function 

    // zeilen ID: zeileX, withouth #
    function zeilenID( id ) { 
        return "zeile" + id;

    // css zeilen ID: #zeileX
    function zID( id ) { 
        return "#" + zeilenID( id );

    function inputID( id ) { 
        return "input" + id;

    function iID( id ) { 
        return "#" + inputID( id );

    // array that holds the line. 
    // lastline is the lineID of the last line
    Dom = function(  ) { };
    Dom.prototype.dom = new Array();
    // Dom.prototype.lastline = "not set";

    // new object to hold the data in the Dom
    Line = function(  ) {  };
    Line.prototype.variable = "var-name";

    // obj, should be a foo Dom object
    function addRow( obj ) { 
        nLine = foo.dom.length; // size of array 2
        obj.dom.push( new Line ); // new size of array 3. Thats why nLine must come before!!!

        $( "#lines tr:last" ).after( "<tr><td id='"+ zeilenID( nLine ) +"'><input type='text' id='" + inputID( nLine ) + "' value='" + nLine + "'></input></td></tr>" );
        //foo.lastline = nLine; // inputID( key );

        $( iID( nLine ) ).focus(  );

    function rmRow( obj, id ) { 
        obj.dom.splice( id, 1 );


        // create a new Dom call foo
        foo = new Dom(  );

        console.log( "count: " + foo.dom.length );

        // add a new array element
        foo.dom.push( new Line );

        // create a new Line called linie
        linie = new Line(  );

        // change the content of variable
        linie.variable = "platzhalter";
        foo.dom.push( linie );

        $.each( foo.dom, function( key, val ) { 
            console.log( key );
            for( kex in val ) { 
                console.log( "> " + kex + ": " + val[kex] );
            $( "#lines tr:last" ).after( "<tr><td id='"+ zeilenID( key ) +"'><input type='text' id='" + inputID( key ) + "' value='" + val['variable'] + "'></input></td></tr>" );
            // foo.lastline = key; // inputID( key );
        } );


    $(document).keypress(function(e) {
        if(e.which == 13) {
            // alert('You pressed enter!');

            // get active element
            position = document.activeElement;

            // get id from active element
            activeElementID = $( position ).attr( 'id' );

                    aEl = $( position ).parent(  ).index(  );
                    console.log( "INDEX: " + aEl );

            console.log( "focus element id: " + activeElementID );
            console.log( "last count: " + foo.dom.length );

            lastline = inputID( foo.dom.length - 1 );

            amountOfRows = $( "#lines tr" ).length - 1; // as we have one tr more, the heading

            if ( activeElementID == lastline ) {  
                addRow( foo );


        // CTRL + Backspace
        if (e.ctrlKey) { // CTRL
            if ( e.which == 8 ) {  // Backspace

                console.log( "BACKSPACE.... with CTRL" );
                position = document.activeElement;

                // get id from active element
                activeElementID = $( position ).attr( 'id' );
                activeNum = activeElementID.substr( -1 );

                $( zID( activeNum ) ).remove(  );
                rmRow( foo, activeNum );
                console.log( "removed row: " + activeNum );

                $( iID( activeNum - 1 ) ).focus(  );

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


aEl = $( position ).parent(  ).parent(  ).prop( 'rowIndex' ) - 1; 
console.log( "INDEX: " + aEl );