对于我的任务,我必须通过实现后继函数和所有必要的辅助函数来使这个tic tac toe程序工作。在目前的状态下,董事会被抽出,但你看不到X和O,也不能玩游戏。任何人都可以帮助我/解释后继功能吗?
# A *cell* is an integer in the interval [1,10). Cells represent squares
# on the tic tac toe board as pictured below:
# 1|2|3
# -----
# 4|5|6
# -----
# 7|8|9
# A *game state* is a pair (aka 2-tuple) of the form (S,T) where S and T
# are sets of cells. The game state (S,T) is thought of as the
# configuration in which S is the set of cells occupied by 'X' and T is
# the set of cells occupied by 'O'. For example, the game state ({1,9},{5})
# may be visualized as follows:
# x| |
# -----
# |o|
# -----
# | |x
def initialState():
return (set(),set())
def displayImages(S):
return background() + cellContents(S)
def background():
L1 = (200,0,200,600)
L2 = (400,0,400,600)
L3 = (0,200,600,200)
L4 = (0,400,600,400)
return [L1, L2, L3, L4]
def cellContents(S):
contents = []
for cell in S[0]:
for cell in S[1]:
return contents
def cellText(P,C):
(x,y) = cellCenter(C)
return (P,x,y,18)
def cellCenter(C):
if C == 1:
return (100,500)
elif C == 2:
return (300,500)
elif C == 3:
return (500,500)
elif C == 4:
return (100,300)
elif C == 5:
return (300,300)
elif C == 6:
return (500,300)
elif C == 7:
return (100,100)
elif C == 8:
return (300,100)
return (500,100)
def successor(S,P):
return S
from graphics import *
# displaySize() is the size of the display window, (width, height)
def displaySize() :
return (600,600)
# If x is an image, imageKind(x) is the type of image x is:
# 'circle', 'text', or 'lineSegment'
def imageKind(x):
if len(x)==3 : return 'circle'
elif type(x[0])== str :return 'text'
else : return 'lineSegment'
# If x is an image, convert(x) is the corresponding image in the
# graphics.py library. We turn the screen upside down so that the origin
# is in the lower left corner, so it matches what they learn in algebra
# class.
def convert(x):
if imageKind(x) == 'circle':
return convertCircle(x)
elif imageKind(x) == 'lineSegment':
return convertLine(x)
elif imageKind(x) == 'text':
return convertText(x)
def convertLine(x):
(W,H) = displaySize()
P1 = Point(x[0],H - x[1])
P2 = Point(x[2],H - x[3])
return Line(P1,P2)
def convertText(x):
(W,H) = displaySize()
center = Point(x[1],H-x[2])
string = x[0]
size = x[3]
T = Text(center,string)
return T
def convertCircle(x):
(W,H) = displaySize()
center = Point(x[0],H-x[1])
radius = x[2]
return Circle(center,radius)
# Create a window to play in
display = GraphWin("My game", displaySize()[0], displaySize()[1])
# The main loop
# Set the state, draw the display, get a mouse click, set the new state,
# and repeat until the user closes the window.
S = initialState()
images = [convert(x) for x in displayImages(S)]
for x in images: x.draw(display)
c = display.getMouse()
click = (c.getX(),displaySize()[1] - c.getY())
S = successor(S,click)
for I in images: I.undraw()
images = [convert(x) for x in displayImages(S)]
答案 0 :(得分:1)
# A *game state* is a pair (aka 2-tuple) of the form (S,T) where S and T
# are sets of cells. The game state (S,T) is thought of as the
# configuration in which S is the set of cells occupied by 'X' and T is
# the set of cells occupied by 'O'. For example, the game state ({1,9},{5})
# may be visualized as follows:
获取当前状态,以及播放器刚刚点击的位置 - 并且必须创建并返回新游戏状态。所以,它知道电路板目前是什么样的,它知道玩家选择了哪个位置,并且必须在那里放置X或者O.
由于状态由os S和T组成,因此将状态也称为S可能有点令人困惑,所以让我们从重命名并从中提取S和T开始:
def successor(state, position):
S, T = state
现在,位置已经是你想要的形式 - 你只需要将添加到X位置或O位置。现在,让我们总是将它添加到X位置 - 这不是你最终想要它实现的,但它应该可以帮助你理解这个函数做什么然后你可以以后改进它。
def successor(state, position):
S, T = state
def successor(state, position):
S, T = state
return S, T