Azure WebJobs的优雅关闭

时间:2014-03-15 21:10:34

标签: azure-webjobs

我计划使用连续的Azure WebJob来发送电子邮件和推送通知。我知道WebJobs会因各种原因不时启动和停止。没关系,但我希望有机会清理"在工作关闭之前。



Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) =>
  e.Cancel = true;
  program.keepRunning = false;

然后我使用keepRunning bool来控制main while循环,并在while循环之外放置一个Console.Writeline(" Exited Gracefully")。但这似乎没有帮助。当我告诉作业停止时(使用我的Azure网站的Webjobs选项卡中的停止按钮),作业将从列表中消失,并显示"无法停止作业:' JobName'。& #34;在Azure门户中(位于页面底部)。我没有看到"退出优雅" WebJob日志中的文本。所以我把那些代码拿出来,因为它没有帮助。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

我相信Amit在最后一次回答之后很快就会发生变化,事实上根据他自己的博客帖子:WebJobs Graceful Shutdown

在6:00+标记之后稍微see this video进行一些讨论。



Azure通知它即将停止的进程的方式是   将文件放置(创建)在作为环境传递的路径中   变量名为WEBJOBS_SHUTDOWN_FILE。


任何想要收听关机通知的WebJob都会   实际上必须检查文件的存在(使用简单   File.Exists函数或在任何脚本中使用FileSystemWatcher   你使用的语言),当它显示WebJob需要启动时   清理并打破它的当前循环,最好是它会退出   正确,Azure将继续关闭(站点)过程。




    public static void Main() // your Main method...
        // nice! a single line to handle the shutdown notification, firing your IsShuttingDown method
        var shutdownNotifier = new WebJobShutdownNotifier(IsShuttingDown);

        var host1 = new JobHost();

    public static void IsShuttingDown()
        Console.WriteLine("Were shutin' down the webjob hatches baby! - {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);
        // do something else here if needed...

// --- WebJobShutdownNotifier.cs ---

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Helper
    /// <summary>
    /// Base info and code adapted and expanded from Amit Apple:
    /// To change the wait on shutdown time from the default of 5 seconds:
    /// "create a file called settings.job with the following content: { "stopping_wait_time": 60 }""
    /// (Nicholas Petersen)
    /// </summary>
    public class WebJobShutdownNotifier
        public bool IsRunning { get; private set; }

        public string ShutdownFilePath { get; private set; }

        public bool FileEnvironmentVariableExisted { get; private set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Set this as an action allowing you to be notified when it fires that 
        /// shutdown has been triggered (/detected).
        /// </summary>
        public Action IsShuttingDownNotifier { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isShuttingDownNotifier">
        /// Set this as an action allowing you to be notified when it fires that 
        /// shutdown has been triggered (/detected).
        /// </param>
        public WebJobShutdownNotifier(Action isShuttingDownNotifier = null, bool exceptionIfNoFileEnvironmentVariable = false)
            IsRunning = true;
            IsShuttingDownNotifier = isShuttingDownNotifier;

            // Get the shutdown file path from the environment
            ShutdownFilePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBJOBS_SHUTDOWN_FILE");

            FileEnvironmentVariableExisted = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShutdownFilePath);

            if (!FileEnvironmentVariableExisted) {
                if (exceptionIfNoFileEnvironmentVariable)
                    throw new Exception("WEBJOBS_SHUTDOWN_FILE Environment variable returned null or empty.");
            else {
                // Setup a file system watcher on that file's directory to know when the file is created
                var fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Path.GetDirectoryName(ShutdownFilePath));
                fileSystemWatcher.Created += OnChanged;
                fileSystemWatcher.Changed += OnChanged;
                fileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.CreationTime | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
                fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = false;
                fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

        private void OnChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
            if (IsRunning) { // this was hitting more than once in the short shut down time, do not want to fire IsShuttingDownNotifier more than once...
                if (e.FullPath.IndexOf(Path.GetFileName(ShutdownFilePath), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) {
                    // Found the file mark, this WebJob has finished
                    IsRunning = false;
                    if (IsShuttingDownNotifier != null)
