
时间:2014-03-14 03:47:34

标签: php class partial-classes



include($GLOBALS["webpath"] . "/classes/LM_com.php");


$loads = LM_com::GetLocationSearchCriteria($sql, $urlappend, "l");


Fatal error: Class 'LM_com' not found in /home/{sitename}/public_html/pages/HotLoadSearchResults.php on line 35


if (!defined("LM_NS_CLASSES_INCLUDED"))
    define("LM_NS_CLASSES_INCLUDED", true);

    define("HIDE_ORIGIN_CITY",      (1 << 1));
    define("HIDE_ORIGIN_ZIP",       (1 << 2));
    define("HIDE_DESTINATION_CITY", (1 << 3));
    define("HIDE_DESTINATION_ZIP",  (1 << 4));
    define("HIDE_DESTINATION",      (1 << 5));
    define("ARCHIVE_POST",          (1 << 6));

    $GLOBALS["StatusMessages"] = array(
        "Company Deleted.",         // 0 
        "Company Activated.", 
        "Load Posted.",             // 2
        "Load Updated.", 
        "Load Deleted.",            // 4
        "Truck Posted.",
        "Truck Updated.",           // 6
        "Truck Deleted.",
        "User Deactivated.",        // 8
        "User Activated.",
        "Passwords don't match.",   // 10
        "Password Changed.",
        "User Deleted.",            // 12
        "Error Activating User.",
        "Error Deactivating User.", // 14
        "Error Deleting User.",
        "News Posted.",             // 16
        "Error Posting News.",
        "News Post Deleted.",       // 18
        "Error Deleting News Post.",
        "User Profile Updated.",    // 20
        "Error Updating User Profile.",
        "Company Profile Updated.", // 22
        "Error Updating Company Profile.",
        "User Moved.",              // 24
        "Error Moving User.",   
        "Error Adding User.",       // 26
        "User Added.",
        "Company Added.",           // 28
        "Error Adding Company.",
        "Email Sent.",              // 30
        "No Emails Sent.",
        "Cannot Add Blacklisted Email Address.",  // 32
        "Bid Placed.",
        "Bid Not Placed."           // 34

    class UserOwnedObject
        var $UserID = -1;
        // does this session's user own this object?
        function IsUserOwner()
            if ($this->UserID == -1)
                return false;
            if (!isset($_SESSION["user"]) || !$_SESSION["user"]->IsLoggedIn())
                return false;
            //if ($_SESSION["user"]->CheckPrivs("admin", "canDelete"))
            //  return true;
            if ($this->UserID == $_SESSION["user"]->UserID)
                return true;
            return false;

    function hex2asc($myin) 
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($myin) / 2; $i++) 
            $myout .= chr(base_convert(substr($myin, $i*2, 2), 16, 10));
        return $myout;

    // get the administrative email address for the site
    // search order: config db, site-conf setting, Administrator user email address
    function get_admin_email()
        $conn = &$GLOBALS["dbSettings"]->GetConnection();
        $toaddr = "";
        // try getting admin email from config table first
        $sql = "SELECT ConfigValue FROM config WHERE ConfigName = 'admin_email'";
        $conf = &$conn->Execute($sql);
        if ($conf->RecordCount() > 0)
            $toaddr = $conf->fields[0];
        else if (!empty($GLOBALS["site_AdminEmail"])) // try falling back on site-conf setting
            $toaddr = $GLOBALS["site_AdminEmail"];
        else // last resort, look for a user named Administrator
            // toaddr email address should come from username = 'Administrator'
            $sql = "SELECT Email FROM users WHERE UserName = 'Administrator'";
            $rs = &$conn->Execute($sql);
            if ($rs === false) 
                die("internal error:" . $conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $sql);
            $toaddr = $rs->fields[0];
        return $toaddr;

    // this is a big chunk of search results code that's used for both loads & trucks

    function GetEquipmentSearchCriteria(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
        // if no equipment search options given, use 0 to mean any equipment matches
        if (!isset($GLOBALS["EquipmentID"]) || empty($GLOBALS["EquipmentID"]))
            $GLOBALS["EquipmentID"] = array();
        // make the equipmentid list an array if it isn't one
        if (!is_array($GLOBALS["EquipmentID"]))
            $GLOBALS["EquipmentID"] = explode(",", $GLOBALS["EquipmentID"]);

        $conn = &$GLOBALS["dbSettings"]->GetConnection();

        // if there are any equipment search options, prepare the sql append
        if (sizeof($GLOBALS["EquipmentID"]) > 0)
            $gsql = "SELECT EquipmentID, SearchGroup FROM equipment WHERE EquipmentID IN (" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["EquipmentID"]) . ")";
            $groups = $conn->Execute($gsql);
            $search_ids = "";
            while (!$groups->EOF)
                if (!empty($search_ids))
                    $search_ids .= ",";
                $search_ids .= $groups->fields[1];
            if (!empty($search_ids))
                $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".EquipmentID IN ( " . $search_ids . ")";

        // do the same thing for lengths now

        // if no length search options given, use 0 to mean any length matches
        if (!isset($GLOBALS["Length"]) || empty($GLOBALS["Length"]))
            $GLOBALS["Length"] = array();
        // make the length list an array if it isn't one
        if (!is_array($GLOBALS["Length"]))
            $GLOBALS["Length"] = explode(",", $GLOBALS["Length"]);
        // if there are any length search options, prepare the sql append
        if (sizeof($GLOBALS["Length"]) > 0)
            $gsql = "SELECT LengthID, SearchGroup FROM length WHERE LengthID IN (" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["Length"]) . ")";
            $len_groups = $conn->Execute($gsql);
            if ($len_groups === false)
                die($conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $gsql);
            $group_ids = "";
            while (!$len_groups->EOF)
                if (!empty($group_ids))
                    $group_ids .= ",";
                $group_ids .= $len_groups->fields[1];
            if (!empty($group_ids))
                $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".LengthID IN ( " . $group_ids . ")";

        $urlappend .= "&EquipmentID=" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["EquipmentID"]) . 
                      "&Length=" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["Length"]);

    function GetLocationSearchCriteria(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
        $origin_id = Location::GetLocationID($GLOBALS["OriginState"], $GLOBALS["OriginCity"], $GLOBALS["OriginZip"]);
        $destination_id = Location::GetLocationID($GLOBALS["DestinationState"], $GLOBALS["DestinationCity"], $GLOBALS["DestinationZip"]);

        if (!is_array($origin_id))
            $o = $origin_id;
            $origin_id = array();
            $origin_id[0] = $o;
        if (!is_array($destination_id))
            $d = $destination_id;
            $destination_id = array();
            $destination_id[0] = $d;

        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginRadius"]))
            $origin = new Location($origin_id[0]);
            $origin_id = $origin->GetRadiusLocations($GLOBALS["OriginRadius"]);
            $urlappend .= "&OriginRadius=" . $GLOBALS["OriginRadius"];
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationRadius"]))
            $destination = new Location($destination_id[0]);
            $destination_id = $destination->GetRadiusLocations($GLOBALS["DestinationRadius"]);
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationRadius=" . $GLOBALS["DestinationRadius"];

        // remember search params
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginState"]))
            $urlappend .= "&OriginState=" . $GLOBALS["OriginState"];
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginCity"]))
            $urlappend .= "&OriginCity=" . $GLOBALS["OriginCity"];
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginZip"]))
            $urlappend .= "&OriginZip=" . $GLOBALS["OriginZip"];

        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationState"]))
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationState=" . $GLOBALS["DestinationState"];
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationCity"]))
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationCity=" . $GLOBALS["DestinationCity"];
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationZip"]))
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationZip=" . $GLOBALS["DestinationZip"];

        // build query
        if ($origin_id[0] != -1)
            $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".OriginLocationID IN (" . implode(",", $origin_id) . ") ";

        if ($destination_id[0] != -1)
            $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".DestinationLocationID IN (" . implode(",", $destination_id) . ") ";

        function GetLocationSearchCriteria1(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
        $origin_id = Location::GetMultiLocationID($GLOBALS["OriginState"]);
        $destination_id = Location::GetMultiLocationID($GLOBALS["DestinationState"]);

        if (!is_array($origin_id))
            $o = $origin_id;
            $origin_id = array();
            $origin_id[0] = $o;
        if (!is_array($destination_id))
            $d = $destination_id;
            $destination_id = array();
            $destination_id[0] = $d;

        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginRadius"]))
            $origin = new Location($origin_id[0]);
            $origin_id = $origin->GetRadiusLocations($GLOBALS["OriginRadius"]);
            $urlappend .= "&OriginRadius=" . $GLOBALS["OriginRadius"];
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationRadius"]))
            $destination = new Location($destination_id[0]);
            $destination_id = $destination->GetRadiusLocations($GLOBALS["DestinationRadius"]);
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationRadius=" . $GLOBALS["DestinationRadius"];

        // remember search params
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginState"]))
            $urlappend .= "&OriginState=" . $GLOBALS["OriginState"];

        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationState"]))
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationState=" . $GLOBALS["DestinationState"];

        // build query
        if ($origin_id[0] != -1)
            $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".OriginLocationID IN (" . implode(",", $origin_id) . ") ";

        if ($destination_id[0] != -1)
            $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".DestinationLocationID IN (" . implode(",", $destination_id) . ") ";

    function GetMultiLocationSearchCriteria(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
        $state_vals = array();
        $city_vals = array();
        $zip_vals = array();
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginState"]))
            $GLOBALS["OriginState"] = explode(",", $GLOBALS["OriginState"]);
            $s = "SELECT DISTINCT LocationID FROM locations WHERE StateInitials IN ('" . implode("','", $GLOBALS["OriginState"]) . "')";
            $conn = &$GLOBALS["dbSettings"]->GetConnection();
            $rs = &$conn->Execute($s);
            if ($rs === false) die("panic:" . $conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $s);
            $vals = array();
            while (!$rs->EOF) 
                array_push($vals, $rs->fields[0]);
            $state_vals = $vals;
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginCity"]))
            $GLOBALS["OriginCity"] = explode(",", $GLOBALS["OriginCity"]);
            $s = "SELECT DISTINCT LocationID FROM locations WHERE City IN ('" . implode("','", $GLOBALS["OriginCity"]) . "')";
            $conn = &$GLOBALS["dbSettings"]->GetConnection();
            $rs = &$conn->Execute($s);
            if ($rs === false) die("panic:" . $conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $s);
            $vals = array();
            while (!$rs->EOF) 
                array_push($vals, $rs->fields[0]);
            $city_vals = $vals;
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["OriginZip"]))
            $GLOBALS["OriginZip"] = explode(",", $GLOBALS["OriginZip"]);
            $s = "SELECT DISTINCT LocationID FROM locations WHERE ZipCode IN ('" . implode("','", $GLOBALS["OriginZip"]) . "')";
            $conn = &$GLOBALS["dbSettings"]->GetConnection();
            $rs = &$conn->Execute($s);
            if ($rs === false) die("panic:" . $conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $s);
            $vals = array();
            while (!$rs->EOF) 
                array_push($vals, $rs->fields[0]);
            $zip_vals = $vals;

        // remember search params
        if (!empty($state_vals))
            $urlappend .= "&OriginState=" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["OriginState"]);
        if (!empty($city_vals))
            $urlappend .= "&OriginCity=" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["OriginCity"]);
        if (!empty($zip_vals))
            $urlappend .= "&OriginZip=" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["OriginZip"]);
        // build query
        $vals = array_unique(array_merge($state_vals, $city_vals, $zip_vals));
        if (!empty($vals))
            $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".OriginLocationID IN (" . implode(",", $vals) . ") ";

        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationState"]))
            $GLOBALS["DestinationState"] = explode(",", $GLOBALS["DestinationState"]);
            $s = "SELECT DISTINCT LocationID FROM locations WHERE StateInitials IN ('" . implode("','", $GLOBALS["DestinationState"]) . "')";
            $conn = &$GLOBALS["dbSettings"]->GetConnection();
            $rs = &$conn->Execute($s);
            if ($rs === false) die("panic:" . $conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $s);
            $vals = array();
            while (!$rs->EOF) 
                array_push($vals, $rs->fields[0]);
            if (!empty($vals))
                $sql .= " AND ";
                $sql .= $prefix . ".DestinationLocationID IN (" . implode(",", $vals) . ") ";
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationState=" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["DestinationState"]);
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationCity"]))
            $GLOBALS["DestinationCity"] = explode(",", $GLOBALS["DestinationCity"]);
            $s = "SELECT DISTINCT LocationID FROM locations WHERE City IN ('" . implode("','", $GLOBALS["DestinationCity"]) . "')";
            $conn = &$GLOBALS["dbSettings"]->GetConnection();
            $rs = &$conn->Execute($s);
            if ($rs === false) die("panic:" . $conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $s);
            $vals = array();
            while (!$rs->EOF) 
                array_push($vals, $rs->fields[0]);
            if (!empty($vals))
                $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".DestinationLocationID IN (" . implode(",", $vals) . ") ";
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationCity=" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["DestinationCity"]);
        if (!empty($GLOBALS["DestinationZip"]))
            $GLOBALS["DestinationZip"] = explode(",", $GLOBALS["DestinationZip"]);
            $s = "SELECT DISTINCT LocationID FROM locations WHERE ZipCode IN ('" . implode("','", $GLOBALS["DestinationZip"]) . "')";
            $conn = &$GLOBALS["dbSettings"]->GetConnection();
            $rs = &$conn->Execute($s);
            if ($rs === false) die("panic:" . $conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $s);
            $vals = array();
            while (!$rs->EOF) 
                array_push($vals, $rs->fields[0]);
            if (!empty($vals))
                $sql .= " AND " . $prefix . ".DestinationLocationID IN (" . implode(",", $vals) . ") ";
            $urlappend .= "&DestinationZip=" . implode(",", $GLOBALS["DestinationZip"]);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先,您在已发布的代码中没有定义名为LM_com的类。 正确的类包含在类结构中,如下所示。

class lm_com
    public function hex2asc($myin) 
       // ...

    public function get_admin_email()
       // ...

    public function GetEquipmentSearchCriteria(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
       // ...

    public function GetLocationSearchCriteria(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
       // ...

    public function GetLocationSearchCriteria1(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
        // ...

    public function GetMultiLocationSearchCriteria(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
        // ...

其次,您尝试使用带有双冒号className :: methodName的语法调用类中的方法。



public static function GetLocationSearchCriteria(&$sql, &$urlappend, $prefix)
    // ...

按照我的描述定义了类和方法后,您就可以正确地调用LM_com::GetLocationSearchCriteria($sql, $urlappend, "l");