托马斯史密斯3 2.25 44Kim Johnson 2 55.60 35
John Doe 33 2.90 21
Karen Java 1 788.99 65
Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("customer.txt"));
double options;
System.out.println("How would you like to input your data?\n1 Input information from customer.txt\n2 Input information from the keyboard.");
options = console.nextDouble();
if (options == 1){
//Variable to store first name
String firstName;
//Variable to store last name
String lastName;
//Variable to store how many items bought
int itemsBought;
//Variable to store the price per item
double itemPrice;
//Variable to store their age
int age;
while (inFile.hasNext()){
//Gets the first name
firstName = inFile.next();
//Gets the last name
lastName = inFile.next();
//Gets number of items bought
itemsBought = inFile.nextInt();
//Gets the price per item
itemPrice = inFile.nextDouble();
// Gets their age
age = inFile.nextInt();
PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter("programOutputFile.txt");
outFile.println("The customers first name is: " + firstName);
outFile.println("The customers last name is: " + lastName);
outFile.println("The customer bought " + (int)itemsBought + " items.");
outFile.println("The customers total is " + itemPrice);
outFile.println("The total cost rounded " + (int)itemPrice);
outFile.println("The customers age is: " + (int)age);
else if (options == 2) {
String firstname;
String lastname;
int items = 0;
double price = 0;
int age1 = 0;
int counter; //loop control variable
counter = 0;
int limit; //store the number of items
System.out.print("Enter the number of entries you have "); //Line 1
limit = console.nextInt(); //Line 2
while (counter < limit) {
// It is asking for the user to input their first name
System.out.println("Please tell me what is your first name? ");
firstname = console.next();
// It is asking for the user to input their last name
System.out.println("What is your last name? ");
lastname = console.next();
// It is asking for the number of items they purchased
System.out.println("How many items did your purchase? ");
items = console.nextInt();
// Here it is asking for the total price they paid
System.out.println("What was the cost of each item? ");
price = console.nextDouble();
System.out.println("How old are you? ");
age1 = console.nextInt();
double total = items * price;
if (counter != 0){
//Outputs the length of Firstname
System.out.println("The name is " + firstname.length() + " letters in your first name.");
//Outputs the first letter of LastName
System.out.println("The first letter of your last name is: " + lastname.charAt(0));
//Outputs the number of items bought
System.out.println("You bought " + items + " items.");
//Outputs Price
System.out.println("Your total price was " + total);
//Outputs the Price as a int number
System.out.println("Your total price rounded is " + (int)total);
//Outputs the age
System.out.println("They are " + age1 + " years old.");
PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter("programOutputFile.txt");
//Outputs the information given above into a .txt file
outFile.println("The customers first name is: " + firstname);
outFile.println("The customers last name is: " + lastname);
outFile.println("The customer bought " + (int)items + " items.");
outFile.println("The customers total is " + total);
outFile.println("The total cost rounded " + (int)total);
outFile.println("The customers age is: " + (int)age1);
System.out.println("Invalid. Please try again.");
到目前为止,它将打印出Karen Java的系列,而不是Karen,John,Kim和Thomas的。我有选项2完成,但我又遇到了同样的问题,它只打印出最后一个输入。
答案 0 :(得分:2)