客户端关闭或客户端重启时,Java Server套接字TCP连接处于CLOSE_WAIT状态

时间:2014-03-13 16:32:47

标签: java sockets network-programming

执行客户端重新启动或关闭时,所有套接字连接都在服务器端的CLOSE_WAIT中挂起。 XdrAble用于将序列化数据发送到XDR流中。 pool是标准KeyedSocketPool的对象。 MAXIMUM_RETRY,MAXIMUM_RETYR_BEFORE_RESET_POOL是为重置池连接而定义的常量。 关闭连接时我错过了什么?

公共RESP电话(REQ请求,       RESP响应,int requestLength,int timeOut)抛出异常   {
    套接字socket = null;

IOException ioException = null;

short attempts = 0;
boolean needResetPool = false;

while (true)
  ioException = null;

    // Get socket (open if not connected)
    socket = (Socket) pool.borrowObject ();
    socket.setSoTimeout (timeOut);

    // Send request
    BufferedOutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream (socket
        .getOutputStream ());
    XdrBufferEncodingStream xdrIn = new XdrBufferEncodingStream (
    xdrIn.beginEncoding (socket.getInetAddress (), socket.getPort ());
    request.xdrEncode (xdrIn);
    xdrIn.endEncoding ();
    outputStream.write (xdrIn.getXdrData ());
    outputStream.flush ();
    xdrIn.close ();

    // Read response
    BufferedInputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream (socket
        .getInputStream ());
    byte[] buffer = new byte[UreMsgBodyLength.MAXIMUM_MSG_LEN];
    int bytesRead = inputStream.read (buffer);

    if (bytesRead < UreMsgBodyLength.MESSAGE_HEADER_LEN)
      throw new IOException("Socket Read Failed - invalid bytesRead="+bytesRead);

    int encodedLength = bytesRead;
    if ( encodedLength < 0 || ( encodedLength & 3) != 0 )
      encodedLength = UreMsgBodyLength.MAXIMUM_MSG_LEN;

   XdrBufferDecodingStream xdrOut = new XdrBufferDecodingStream (buffer, encodedLength);
    xdrOut.beginDecoding ();
    response.xdrDecode (xdrOut);
    xdrOut.endDecoding ();
    xdrOut.close ();
    return response;
  catch (ConnectException ex)

    ioException = ex;
  catch (IOException ex)

    ioException = ex;

    if (socket != null)
      needResetPool = true;
      try { socket.close (); } catch (Throwable t) {}

        pool.invalidateObject (socket);          // Mark the socket as invalid

      catch (Throwable t)

      socket = null;
    if (socket != null)
        pool.returnObject (socket);
      catch (Throwable t)


  if (attempts >= MAXIMUM_RETYR_BEFORE_RESET_POOL && needResetPool)

    pool.clear (pool.getKey ()); // clean all connect for the current server id
  if (attempts >= MAXIMUM_RETRY)

    throw ioException;


} // while


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服务器没有关闭其套接字以响应读取EOS(read()返回-1)。这段代码也不能很好地处理它。 CLOSE_WAIT表示对等方已关闭连接,本地系统正在等待应用程序关闭此端。