我有一个txt文件语料库,我想要计算他们的Tfidf值。 我想我必须将文件标记为单词作为第一步,然后计算权重。 我需要这个程序的输出是一个矩阵,其中行将是文件,列将是单词,而remaning矩阵单元格将是Tfidf值。
我被困在矩阵部分。 这是我的尝试
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class DocumentParser {
//This variable will hold all terms of each document in an array.
private List<String[]> termsDocsArray = new ArrayList<String[]>();
private List<String> allTerms = new ArrayList<String>(); //to hold all terms
private List<double[]> tfidfDocsVector = new ArrayList<double[]>();
private List fileNameList = new ArrayList();
private File[] allfiles;
private StringBuilder sb;
private BufferedReader in = null;
* Method to read files and store in array.
* @param filePath : source file path
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public void parseFiles(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
allfiles = new File(filePath).listFiles();
for (File f : allfiles) {
if (f.getName().endsWith(".txt")) {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
sb = new StringBuilder();
String s = null;
while ((s = in.readLine()) != null) {
String[] tokenizedTerms = sb.toString().replaceAll("[\\W&&[^\\s]]", "").split("\\W+"); //to get individual terms
for (String term : tokenizedTerms) {
if (!allTerms.contains(term)) { //avoid duplicate entry
* Method to create termVector according to its tfidf score.
* @return
public double tfIdfCalculator(String file, String word) {
double tf; //term frequency
double idf; //inverse document frequency
double tfidf = 0; //term requency inverse document frequency
for (String[] docTermsArray : termsDocsArray) {
double[] tfidfvectors = new double[allTerms.size()];
int count = 0;
for (String terms : allTerms) {
tf = new TfIdf().tfCalculator(docTermsArray, terms);
idf = new TfIdf().idfCalculator(termsDocsArray, terms);
tfidf = tf * idf;
System.out.println(terms+"\t" + tfidf);
tfidfvectors[count] = tfidf;
tfidfDocsVector.add(tfidfvectors); //storing document vectors;
return tfidf;
public void TfIdfMatrix() throws IOException {
int r=allTerms.size();
int c=tfidfDocsVector.size();
String mat[][]= new String [r][c];
int rNumber=0;
for (int i = 0; i < fileNameList.size(); i++) {
mat[rNumber][0]=(String) fileNameList.get(i);
String s;
while ((s = in.readLine()) != null) {
for (int row = 1; row <= rNumber; row++){
for (int col = 1; col <= rNumber; col++){
double ifidfValue=tfIdfCalculator(mat[0][col], mat[row][0]);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public void tfIdfCalculator() {
double tf; //term frequency
double idf; //inverse document frequency
double tfidf; //term requency inverse document frequency
for (String[] docTermsArray : termsDocsArray) {
double[] tfidfvectors = new double[allTerms.size()];
int count = 0;
for (String terms : allTerms) {
tf = new TfIdf().tfCalculator(docTermsArray, terms);
idf = new TfIdf().idfCalculator(termsDocsArray, terms);
tfidf = tf * idf;
tfidfvectors[count] = tfidf;
tfidfDocsVector.add(tfidfvectors); //storing document vectors;