(错误产生于功能行" void becomeVampire(Bunny *&,int&,Grid&);",如果从第一个算起来,则为第五个( BUNNY)类,以及函数" void convertNeighbourToVampire(Bunny * const,int&,Grid&);"这是第一个从下到上:这两个函数都使用对Grid类的引用其中一个参数)
#ifndef BUNNY_H
#define BUNNY_H
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "Position.h"
#include "Grid.h"
int GetRandom(int x);
class Bunny:public Position
static const std::vector <std::string> F_names; //all the female names
static const std::vector <std::string> M_names; //all the male names
static const std::vector <std::string> colors; //all the colors
bool isMale= GetRandom(2)<1 ? true : false; //at creation,bunnies gender is randomly chose//50%chance
bool isVampire= GetRandom(100)< 2 ? true : false; //2% chance for birth of vamp bunny
std::string name;
std::string color;
std::string sex;
std::string vampire;
int age;
void Inner(int & TVamps); //use this inside of constructors,assign all needed info to a bunny
void half(Bunny *&,int &); //halfs the population randomly
void increaseAge(); //called by ageUp() function,increases the age of a particular bunny object
Bunny * Next; //pointer to next bunny in linked list
Bunny(int & TVamps); //DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR
Bunny(std::string C,int & TVamps); //CHILDREN CONSTRUCTOR
~Bunny(); //DESTRUCTOR
//NEXT is self explanatory
bool isMatureMale() const {if( (this->age>2) &&(isMale) &&(!isVampire) ){return true;} return false;}
bool isMatureFemale() const {if( (age>2) &&( !isMale) &&(!isVampire) ){return true;} return false;}
bool getIsMale() const {return isMale;}
std::string getName() const {return name;}
std::string getColor() const {return color;}
std::string getSex()const {return sex;}
std::string getVampire() const{return vampire;}
bool getIsVampire() const {return isVampire;}
int getAge() const {return age;}
void makeVampire(int &); //make certain bunny a vampire
bool isEmpty(Bunny *) const; //is bunny colony empty
void ageUp(Bunny *); //increase the populations age by 1
void insertBunny(Bunny *,Bunny *&, int &,int &); //add a child,parameters are: head pointer,reference of last pointer,and counter of bunnies and vampires
void insertFirstBunny(Bunny *&, int &,int &); //insert a bunny with no parrent
void printBunnies(Bunny * , int , int,int) const; //prints out the whole colony info
void removeBunny(Bunny *& ,int &, int &); //removes old bunnies
**void becomeVampire(Bunny *& , int &,Grid &); //converts bunnies to vampires**
void FoodShortage(Bunny *& ,int &); //kills half of bunnies randomly,takes pointer reference of head pointer as parameter
void massRabitKull(Bunny *&,int &); //when "k" or "K" is pressed,calls the half() function
bool isArrayOutOfBounds(int x, Bunny const * const temp); // north-1 south-2 east-3 west-4
void convertNeighbourToVampire(Bunny * const, int &, Grid &);
#endif // BUNNY_H
#ifndef GRID_H
#define GRID_H
#include "Position.h"
#include "Bunny.h"
class Grid
char GridField[80][80];
void renewGrid(); //sets all grid positions to '.',called by constructor and updateTheGrid()
void updateTheGrid(Bunny * const); //sets all grid positions to new positions based on new bunny objects linked list
void printTheGrid() const; //prints the grid to the new file
char getGridField(int,int); //returns the character on certain position
#endif // GRID_H
#define POSITION_H
#include "Grid.h"
class Position
int row,column;
char sign;
Position ( int parrentRow,int parrentColumn );
int getRow() const ;
int getColumn() const;
char getSign() const;
#endif // POSITION_H