int main (int argc, char **argv)
int listenfd, connfd, n, portnum, fdmax, i, j, nbytes;
/* master file descriptor list */
fd_set master;
/* temp file descriptor list for select() */
fd_set read_fds;
pid_t childpid;
socklen_t clilen;
char buf[MAXLINE];
struct sockaddr_in cliaddr, servaddr;
//Create a socket for the soclet
//If sockfd<0 there was an error in the creation of the socket
if ((listenfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) <0) {
perror("Problem in creating the socket");
//preparation of the socket address
servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
scanf("%d", &portnum);
servaddr.sin_port = htons(portnum);
memset(&(servaddr.sin_zero), '\0', 8);
//bind the socket
bind (listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
//listen to the socket by creating a connection queue, then wait for clients
listen (listenfd, LISTENQ);
printf("%s\n","Server running...waiting for connections.");
/* add the listener to the master set */
FD_SET(listenfd, &master);
/* keep track of the biggest file descriptor */
fdmax = listenfd; /* so far, it's this one*/
for ( ; ; ) {
/* copy it */
read_fds = master;
if(select(fdmax+1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1)
perror("Server-select() error lol!");
printf("Server-select() is OK...\n");
/*run through the existing connections looking for data to be read*/
for(i = 0; i <= fdmax; i++)
if(FD_ISSET(i, &read_fds))
{ /* we got one... */
if(i == listenfd)
/* handle new connections */
clilen = sizeof(cliaddr);
//accept a connection
connfd = accept (listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cliaddr, &clilen);
printf("%s\n","Received request...");
if ( (childpid = fork ()) == 0 ) {//if it’s 0, it’s child process
printf ("%s\n","Child created for dealing with client requests");
//close listening socket
close (listenfd);
while ( (n = recv(connfd, buf, MAXLINE,0)) > 0) {
printf("%s","String received from and resent to the client:");
send(connfd, buf, n, 0);
if (n < 0)
printf("%s\n", "Read error");
for(j = 0; j <= fdmax; j++)
/* send to everyone! */
if(FD_ISSET(j, &master))
/* except the listener and ourselves */
if(j != listenfd && j != i)
if(send(j, buf, nbytes, 0) == -1)
perror("send() error lol!");
//close socket of the server