我们遇到了一个问题:我们想发送我们的产品ID数量和每行的订单ID相同 - 到我们的数据库
数据显示为包含$ sub_id和$ quantity等不同变量的列表,每行中有一个订单ID。 例如,我们可以有多个sub_id' s + $数量,我们希望将它们全部发送到我们的数据库。
if($_SESSION['cart']) { //if the cart isn't empty
//show the cart
echo "<table id='overview' border=\"0\" padding=\"3\" width=\"100%\">"; //format the cart using a HTML table
echo "<th>";
echo "<th align=\"center\">Name</th>";
echo "<th align=\"center\">color</th>";
echo "<th align=\"center\">type</th>";
echo "<th align=\"center\">price</th>";
echo "<th align=\"center\">quantity</th>";
echo "</tr>";
//iterate through the cart, the $sub_id is the key and $quantity is the value
foreach($_SESSION['cart'] as $sub_id => $quantity) {
//use sprintf to make sure that $sub_id is inserted into the query as a number - to prevent SQL injection
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM sub_product
WHERE sub_id = %d;",
$result = mysql_query($sql);
//Only display the row if there is a product (though there should always be as we have already checked)
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
list($sub_id, $sp_id, $sub_color, $sub_colorcode, $sub_type, $sub_price) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$line_cost = $sub_price * $quantity; //work out the line cost
$total = $total + $line_cost - $discount;
$moms = $total * 0.20;
//add to the total cost
echo "<tr font-size=\"xx-large\">";
//show this information in table cell
echo "<td align=\"center\">$sub_id</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$sp_name</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$sub_color</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$sub_type</td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$sub_price</td>";
//along with a 'remove' link next to the quantity - which links to this page, but with an action of remove, and the id of the current product
echo "<td align=\"center\"><a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?action=remove&id=$sub_id\"> - </a>$quantity<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?action=add&id=$sub_id\">+</a></td>";
echo "<td align=\"center\">$line_cost</td>";
echo "</tr>";
很多时候提前感谢你! -