我有一个类ViewmapView,它扩展了View类,并将位图加载到其中。有一个手势检测器,其中位图是双击时的缩放。 BitmapView类的代码如下所示
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector;
import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
public class BitmapView extends View {
private Bitmap mBitmap;
private GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
private ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector;
private IBitmapViewController mController;
* Scale factor to get bitmap to fit on screen
private float mInitialScaleFactor = 1.0f;
* Zoom factor user has requested
private float mZoomFactor = 1.0f;
* The total available area for drawing on
private Rect mRawScreenDimensions;
* Scale/Translate transform to draw wanted section of bitmap on screen
private Matrix mTransform = new Matrix();
* Displacement (in bitmap co-ordinates) to pixel to draw in centre of screen
private PointF mScrollOffset = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
public BitmapView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, mGestureListener);
mScaleDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(context, mScaleListener);
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
mRawScreenDimensions = new Rect(0, 0, w, h);
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mBitmap != null) {
canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, mTransform, null);
* Transform to draw desired part of bitmap on screen
private void computeTransform() {
// move co-ords to centre of bitmap
mTransform.postTranslate(-mBitmap.getWidth() / 2, -mBitmap.getHeight() / 2);
// apply scroll offset
mTransform.postTranslate(mScrollOffset.x, mScrollOffset.y);
// scale to fit within screen
mTransform.postScale(mInitialScaleFactor, mInitialScaleFactor);
// apply zoom factor
mTransform.postScale(mZoomFactor, mZoomFactor);
// centre bitmap on screen
mTransform.postTranslate(mRawScreenDimensions.width() / 2, mRawScreenDimensions.height() / 2);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return true;
private SimpleOnGestureListener mGestureListener = new SimpleOnGestureListener() {
public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent e) {
return true;
public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {
if (mController != null) {
public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) {
scrollView(distanceX, distanceY);
return true;
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
boolean val = false;
if (mController != null) {
val = mController.onFling(e1, e2, velocityX, velocityY);
return val;
private SimpleOnScaleGestureListener mScaleListener = new SimpleOnScaleGestureListener() {
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
return true;
* Zoom in the specified location of the screen
private void ZoomInOnPoint(MotionEvent e) {
// zoom in
float zoomFactor = 2.0f;
// scroll so selected position is at centre of screen
float deltaX = (e.getX() - (mRawScreenDimensions.width() / 2)) * zoomFactor;
float deltaY = (e.getY() - (mRawScreenDimensions.height() / 2)) * zoomFactor;
scrollView(deltaX, deltaY);
* @param controller the object that will handle fling and long press events
public void setController(IBitmapViewController controller) {
mController = controller;
* @param bitmap the image to display
public void setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
if (bitmap != null) {
mBitmap = bitmap;
if (mRawScreenDimensions != null) {
// draw new image
private float calcAspectRatio(float width, float height) {
return width / height;
* Initial matrix transforms to put whole bitmap on screen
private void computeInitialMatrix()
if ((mBitmap != null) && (mRawScreenDimensions != null)) {
float bitmapAspect = calcAspectRatio(mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight());
float screenAspect = calcAspectRatio(mRawScreenDimensions.width(), mRawScreenDimensions.height());
float heightRatio = mRawScreenDimensions.height() / (float)mBitmap.getHeight();
float widthRatio = mRawScreenDimensions.width() / (float)mBitmap.getWidth();
if (bitmapAspect < screenAspect) {
// screen is landscape (compared to bitmap) so height is
// limiting factor
mInitialScaleFactor = heightRatio;
} else {
// screen is portrait (compared to bitmap), so width is limiting
// factor
mInitialScaleFactor = widthRatio;
mZoomFactor = 1.0f;
mScrollOffset = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
* Increase/Decrease the section taken from the bitmap to draw on the screen
* @param zoomFactor relative zoom factor. (e.g. 2 = increase zoom in by 2)
private void scaleView(float zoomFactor) {
mZoomFactor *= zoomFactor;
// maximum zoom is 16, minimum zoom is 1
mZoomFactor = Math.max(1.0f, Math.min(mZoomFactor, 16.0f));
* Move the bitmap pixel that will be centred on screen
* @param screenX number of screen pixels to move horizontally
* @param screenY number of screen pixels to move vertically
private void scrollView(float screenX, float screenY) {
float scale = mZoomFactor * mInitialScaleFactor * -1;
float deltaX = screenX / scale;
float deltaY = screenY / scale;
mScrollOffset.offset(deltaX, deltaY);
* Prevent user from scrolling off the bitmap
private void clampView() {
// figure out number of bitmap pixels the screen shows
float scaleFactor = mZoomFactor * mInitialScaleFactor;
float screenWidth = mRawScreenDimensions.width() / scaleFactor;
float screenHeight = mRawScreenDimensions.height() / scaleFactor;
// Compute horizontal scroll limit, to keep bitmap within screen
//... If projected bitmap doesn't span whole screen width, don't allow
//... horizontal scroll, just centre it horizontally. (i.e. scollOffset = 0)
//... When doesn't span screen, bitmap pixels < screen pixels
float maxX = Math.max(0.0f, (mBitmap.getWidth() - screenWidth) / 2);
// Same logic for vertical scroll
float maxY = Math.max(0.0f, (mBitmap.getHeight() - screenHeight) / 2);
float minX = -maxX;
float minY = -maxY;
// clamp the scroll
if (maxX < mScrollOffset.x) {
mScrollOffset.x = maxX;
if (mScrollOffset.x < minX) {
mScrollOffset.x = minX;
if (maxY < mScrollOffset.y) {
mScrollOffset.y = maxY;
if (mScrollOffset.y < minY) {
mScrollOffset.y = minY;
// redraw bitmap on screen
我的问题是如何在onDraw()方法中设置动画,因为这里我没有任何视图对象,我开始动画 所以我的问题是如何在Double Tap事件中使用动画加载慢动作的位图图像。