答案 0 :(得分:4)
box-shadow: 0 0 10px #008800;
margin: 10px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #080;
margin: 5px 15px 15px 5px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px 7px #080;
margin: 12px 21px 21px 12px;
box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color;
top = (spread - v_shadow + 0.5*blur)
right = (spread + h_shadow + 0.5*blur)
bottom = (spread + v_shadow + 0.5*blur)
left = (spread - h_shadow + 0.5*blur)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
通过创建一个带有框阴影并返回宽度的完整函数来扩展@ samuel.molinski的答案。
function getBoxShadowWidths(boxShadow) {
// not supporting multiple box shadow declarations for now
if ((boxShadow.match(/(rgb|#)/g) || []).length > 1) {
return false;
const regEx = /(\d(?=(px|\s)))/g;
const matches = [];
// box-shadow can have anywhere from 2-4 values, including horizontal offset, vertical offset,
// blur, and spread. Below finds each one and pushes it into an array (regEx.exec when used in succession
// with a global regex will find each match.
let match = regEx.exec(boxShadow);
while (match != null) {
match = regEx.exec(boxShadow);
// default blur & spread to zero px if not found by the regex
const [hOffset = 0, vOffset = 0, blur = 0, spread = 0] = matches.map(parseFloat);
// calculate approximate widths by the distance taken up by each side of the box shadow after normalizing
// the offsets with the spread and accounting for the added distance resulting from the blur
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/hh867550.aspx - "the blurring effect should approximate the
// Gaussian blur with a standard deviation equal to HALF of the blur radius"
const top = spread - vOffset + 0.5 * blur;
const right = spread + hOffset + 0.5 * blur;
const bottom = spread + vOffset + 0.5 * blur;
const left = spread - hOffset + 0.5 * blur;
return { top, right, bottom, left };