使用类有很多麻烦的奥赛罗代码Python 3.3

时间:2014-03-11 05:39:41

标签: python

我的Othello游戏的Python 3.3代码遇到了大麻烦。我有一个很大的麻烦,因为我有很多问题。我会列出它们然后在这里附上我的代码。希望你们能帮助我。现在已经到了,如果你能为我纠正代码那就太棒了,但是如果你只是告诉我如何以及在哪里解决这些问题就没关系了。

  1. 如何在电路板中央打印原来的四块瓷砖?由于我的行和列是用户输入,因此我的程序不接受硬编码。

  2. 每次搬家后,如何在棋盘上印上我的动作?

  3. 我如何制作一个功能以及在何处将其置于循环中,如果游戏尚未结束,我可以继续进行移动?

  4. 首先我会发布我的函数和我的类,然后是我的用户界面。非常感谢你!


    class Reversi:
    ### THE BOARD
        def __init__(self,column,row):
            self._column = column
            self._row = row
            self._board = self.getnewboard()
        def getnewboard(self)->list:
            '''Returns a new board with empty spaces'''
            board = []
            for i in range(self._column):
                board.append([' '] * self._row)
            board[int(self._column - 1)][int(self._row-1)] = 'B'
            board[int(self._column/2)-1][int(self._row/2)] = 'B'
            board[int(self._column/2)][int(self._row/2)-1] = 'W'
            board[int(self._column/2)][int(self._row/2)] = 'W'
            return board
        def board_copy(self,board)->'a board copy':
            '''duplicates a board'''
            dupe = self.getnewboard()
            for x in range(self._row):
                for y in range(self._column):
                    dupe[x][y] = self.getnewboard()[x][y]
            return dupe
        def copyboard(self,board)->'a new board':
            '''copy the current game board for further use'''
            copy = self.board_copy(board)
            for x in range(self._row):
                for y in range(self._column):
                    copy[x][y] = board[x][y]
            return copy
    ### PLAYERS
        def change_turn(self,turn:str)->str:
            '''Gives the player whose turn it is now'''
            if turn == 'B':
                return 'W'
                return 'B'
        def who_first(self)->str:
            '''Return a string,the function determines who is gonna play first'''
            while True:
                choice = input('1 for Black and 2 for White -- play first: ')
                if choice == '1':
                    return 'player 1'
                elif choice == '2':
                    return  'player 2'
            while choice != '1' or chioce != '2':
                please_choose = input('please choose between 1 and 2')
                if please_choose == '1':
                    return 'player 1'
                elif please_choose == '2':
                    return 'player 2'
                    print('No good')
        def second(self)->str:
            '''The the second player'''
            first = self.who_first()
            second = ' '
            if first == 'player 1':
                second = 'player 2'
                second = 'player 1'
            return second
        def tile_option(self)->list:
            '''Returns a list with two players represented as B for black and W
               for white.The first element in the list is player1's tile.Player1
               chooses first, according to who_first function
            print('Now player please chooses your tile')
            choose = ''
            while not (choose == 'B' or choose == 'W'):
                print('Choose one from B and W')
                choose = input('Enter B or W here: ').upper()
            if choose == 'B':
                return ['B','W']   # B stands for player1
                return ['W','B']   # W stands for player1
    ### Moves
        def isonboard(self,x,y)->bool:
            '''To check if the moves made by the players are on the board
               and returns true or false
            return x >= 0 and x <= self._row and y >= 0 and y <= self._column
        def oncorner(self,x,y):
            '''Return true if the position is in a corner'''
            return (x==0 and y ==0) or (x == self._row-1 and y == 0) or (x == 0 and y == self._column-1) or (x == self._row-1 and y == self._column-1)
        def isvalidmove(self,board, tile, xstart, ystart):
            # Returns False if the player's move on space xstart, ystart is invalid.
            # If it is a valid move, returns a list of spaces that would become the player's if they made a move here.
            if board[xstart][ystart] != ' ' or not self.isonboard(xstart, ystart):
                return False
            board[xstart][ystart] = tile # temporarily set the tile on the board.
            if tile == 'B':
                othertile = 'W'
                othertile = 'W'
            tilesToFlip = []
            for xdirection, ydirection in [[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [1, -1], [0, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1]]:
                x, y = xstart, ystart
                x += xdirection # first step in the direction
                y += ydirection # first step in the direction
                if self.isonboard(x,y) and board[x-1][y-1] == othertile:
                    # There is a piece belonging to the other player next to our piece.
                    x += xdirection
                    y += ydirection
                    if not self.isonboard(x, y):
                    while board[x-1][y-1] == othertile:
                        x += xdirection
                        y += ydirection
                        if not self.isonboard(x, y): # break out of while loop, then continue in for loop
                    if not self.isonboard(x, y):
                    if board[x-1][y-1] == tile:
                        # There are pieces to flip over. Go in the reverse direction until we reach the original space, noting all the tiles along the way.
                        while True:
                            x -= xdirection
                            y -= ydirection
                            if x == xstart and y == ystart:
                            tilesToFlip.append([x, y])
            board[xstart][ystart] = ' ' # restore the empty space
            if len(tilesToFlip) == 0: # If no tiles were flipped, this is not a valid move.
                return False
            return tilesToFlip
        def validmoves(self,board,tile)->list:
            '''Return a list of valid moves'''
            l = []
            for x in range(self._row):
                for y in range(self._column):
                    if self.isvalidmove(board,tile,x,y) != False:
            return l
        def moves_on_board(self,board,tile)->'a new board':
            '''Return a new board with valid moves marked on it'''
            copy = self.copyboard(board)
            for x,y in self.validmoves(board,tile):
                copy[x][y] = '!'
            return copy
        def make_valid_move(self,board,tile,xstart,ystart)->bool:
            '''put the tiles on the board at xstart and ystart.Flip opponent's pieces
               Returns False if the move is invalid, True if is valid
            flip_ya = self.isvalidmove(board,tile,xstart,ystart)
            if flip_ya == False:
                return False
            tile = board[xstart][ystart]
            for x,y in flip_ya:
                tile = board[x][y]
            return True
        def player_move(self,board,tile)->'list of coordinates':
            '''After a player, the second player is gonna
               play the move.Given the board and player2's tile
               Returns the move as [x,y], a list. Cannot put the tile on
               where there's already a tile
            possible_moves = self.validmoves(board,tile)
            # possible_moves is a list of valid moves
            L1 = []  # L! and L2 are the lists of numbers fit in the range
            L2 = []  # to make sure that the indices are valid
            L_move = []
            for x in range(self._row):
            for y in range(self._column):
            print('THIS IS L1 L2', L1, L2)
            while True:
                    x_co = int(input('Enter the x-coordinate you want to put the tile on: '))
                    y_co = int(input('Enter the y-coordinate you want to put the tile on: '))
                    if x_co in L1 and y_co in L2 and board[x_co][y_co] == ' ':
                        x = x_co
                        y = y_co
                        print('Invalid move, coordinates should be in ranges')
                    print('Oh Jesus What\'s wrong here? I think you\'d better not enter spaces or strings,but coordinates')
            return [x,y]
        def record_score(self,board,player_turn)->dict:
            '''Record the scores on the board and see scores
               Returns a dictionary, whose key --> 'one' represents player1's score.
            score_1 = 0
            score_2 = 0
            b = player_turn[0]
            a = player_turn[-1]
            if a == 'B' or a == 'b':
                print('player1\'s tile is B,player2\'s tile is W')
                for x in range(self._row):
                    for y in range(self._column):
                        if board[x][y] == 'B':
                            score_1 += 1
                        if board[x][y] == 'W':
                            score_2 += 1
            if a == 'W' or a == 'w':
                print('player1\'s tile is W,player2\'s tile is B')
                for x in range(self._row):
                    for y in range(self._column):
                        if board[x][y] == 'W':
                            score_1 += 1
                        if board[x][y] == 'B':
                            score_2 += 1
            return {'B':score_1,'W':score_2}
        def show_points(self,board,player_turn):
            '''This function prints out the current score of two players'''
            scores = self.record_score(board,player_turn)
            print('you have () points. your opponent has () points'.format(scores[player_turn[0]],scores[player_turn[0]]))
        def terminal_test(self,board):
            """Is the game over?"""
            # first find an empty square
            for row in range(self._row):
                for column in range(self._column):
                    if board[row][column] != 0:
            return True


    import console_game
    import sys
    def print_board(board):
        '''Prints out a new game board'''
        HLINE = ' ----' * (board._row+1)
        VLINE = '  |  ' * (board._column+1)
        for y in range(board._column):
            print(y+1, end='')
            for x in range(board._row):
                 print(board._board[x-2][y-2],end = '')
        return board
    def game_start(mainBoard,player_turn):
        '''After the user enters valid column and row numbers, the game starts
        turn = c.who_first()
        player1_tile,player2_tile = player_turn
        print(turn + ' will go first.')
        if  turn == "player 1":
            player_turn = (turn, player1_tile)
            player_turn = (turn, player2_tile)
        while True:
            if turn == 'B':
                # Player1's turn.
                if False:
                    valid_moves_board = c.moves_on_board(mainBoard._board, player_turn[1])
                move = c.player_move(mainBoard, player_turn[-1])
                if move == 'noplay':
                    print('Thanks for playing!')
                    sys.exit() # terminate the program
    ##            elif c.validmoves(mainBoard, player_turn[-1]) == []:
    ##                break
                    c.make_valid_move(mainBoard, player_turn[-1], move[0], move[-1])
                    turn = 'player 2'
                # player2's turn.
                print('Now player 2 please make a move,remember coordinates should be valid')
                x, y = c.player_move(mainBoard._board, player_turn[-1])
                c.make_valid_move(mainBoard._board, player_turn[-1], x, y)
                if c.validmoves(mainBoard._board, player_turn[-1]) == []:
                    turn = 'player 1'
        # Display the final score.
        scores = c.record_score(mainBoard._board,player_turn)
        print('player 1 scored {} points. player 2 scored {} points'.format(scores[player1_tile], scores[player1_tile]))
        if scores['B'] > scores['W']:
            print('player 1 wins. Congratulations!,won by {} points'.format(scores[player1_tile] - scores[player1_tile]))
        elif scores['W'] < scores["B"]:
            print('player 2 wins. Congratulations!, won by {} points'.format(scores[player1_tile] - scores[player1_tile]))
            print('The game was a tie! Uh huh!')
            game_start(mainBoard._board,('player 2','W'))
        if not play_again():
        elif play_again():
    def play_again():
        '''This function asks if users want to play again or not'''
        print('Do you want to play again?(y -> yes or n -> no)')
        return input().lower().startswith('y')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print('Welcome to Othello!')
        print('Ready to play huh?')
        print('Let\'s begin!')
        ### the row and column must be integers
        while True:
                column = int(input('Enter an even number between 4 and 16: '))
                row = int(input('Enter an even number between 4 and 16: '))
                print('No good')
                c = console_game.Reversi(column,row)

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