
时间:2014-03-10 20:07:20

标签: c++ qt


#include "coordinate.h"
#include "gpscoord.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QCoreApplication>

QTextStream cout(stdout);
QTextStream cin(stdin);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);

    GPSCoord gps;
    int degrees, minutes, seconds;
    char cardinalDirection;

    cout << "\nPlease enter values for the latitude.." << endl;
    cout << "Degrees : " << flush;
    cin >> degrees;
    cout << "Minutes : " << flush;
    cin >> minutes;
    cout << "Seconds : " << flush;
    cin >> seconds;
    cout << "Cardinal Direction : " << flush;
    cin >> cardinalDirection;

    gps.setCoord(degrees, minutes, seconds, cardinalDirection);

    cout << "\nPlease enter values for the longitude.." << endl;
    cout << "Degrees : " << flush;
    cin >> degrees;
    cout << "Minutes : " << flush;
    cin >> minutes;
    cout << "Seconds : " << flush;
    cin >> seconds;
    cout << "Cardinal Direction : " << flush;
    cin >> cardinalDirection;

    gps.setCoord(degrees, minutes, seconds, cardinalDirection);

    cout << "\nGeographic Coordinates\t: " << gps.toString(false) << endl << "Decimal Coordinates\t: " << gps.toString(true) << endl;

    return 0;


Please enter values for the latitude..
Degrees : 25
Minutes : 46
Seconds : 3
Cardinal Direction : S

Please enter values for the longitude..
Degrees : Minutes : Seconds : Cardinal Direction : 
Geographic Coordinates  : 0ø, 0', 0", S ; 25ø, 46', 3", 

Decimal Coordinates : 0 ; 25.775


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 您的错误:当您将单个字符读入charQChar时,您将读取终止任何先前输入的空格。您必须使用ws(stream)来删除流中的现有空格。

  • Qt bug:即使输入流中已经有空白字符,字符读取操作符也会等待非空白数据。



  1. 输入20个arcseconds后,字符缓冲区的内容为:

    { '2', '0', '\n' }
  2. 运行cin >> arcseconds后,字符缓冲区为:

    { '\n' }
  3. 然后,cin >> cardinalDirection运行,并等待新输入,因为缓冲区中没有任何有趣的东西(这就是Qt错误:它不应该等待)。假设您输入N,字符缓冲区现在是:

    { '\n', 'N', '\n' }

    现在,operator>>(char&) 正确地检索缓冲区中的第一个字符,无论它是什么。因此它检索'\n'并成功(这是你的错误:你应该首先摆脱空白)。字符缓冲区现在包含:

    { 'N', '\n' }
  4. 问题是现在你读经度了。缓冲区包含非空白数据,以下执行立即cin >> degrees



  5. 修复是强行跳过数据中的空白。 QTextStream::ws()方法的文档有这样一句话:



    #include <QTextStream>
    #include <QCoreApplication>
    QTextStream cout(stdout);
    QTextStream cin(stdin);
    class GPSCoord {
       QString dir;
       void setCoord(int, int, int, char d) { dir.append(d); }
       QString toString(bool) const { return dir; }
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
        GPSCoord gps;
        int degrees, minutes, seconds;
        char cardinalDirection;
        cout << "\nPlease enter values for the latitude.." << endl;
        cout << "Degrees : " << flush;
        cin >> degrees;
        cout << "Minutes : " << flush;
        cin >> minutes;
        cout << "Seconds : " << flush;
        cin >> seconds;
        cout << "Cardinal Direction : " << flush;
        ws(cin) >> cardinalDirection;
        gps.setCoord(degrees, minutes, seconds, cardinalDirection);
        cout << "\nPlease enter values for the longitude.." << endl;
        cout << "Degrees : " << flush;
        cin >> degrees;
        cout << "Minutes : " << flush;
        cin >> minutes;
        cout << "Seconds : " << flush;
        cin >> seconds;
        cout << "Cardinal Direction : " << flush;
        ws(cin) >> cardinalDirection;
        gps.setCoord(degrees, minutes, seconds, cardinalDirection);
        cout << "\nGeographic Coordinates\t: " << gps.toString(false) << endl
             << "Decimal Coordinates\t: " << gps.toString(true) << endl;
        return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

cin不喜欢您的char cardinalDirection。当我将声明更改为char cardinalDirection[2];


修改 正如Kuba Ober所指出的,这可能导致缓冲区溢出情况。在现有代码中没有真正的输入验证或错误处理,但我应该在我自己的答案中更加彻底。


char cardinalDirection;


cout << "Seconds : " << flush;
cin >> seconds;

//read everything from the buffer to clear
//it out - there are still some newlines
//in the buffer from previous input

cout << "Cardinal Direction : " << flush;
//read one character from the input and convert it to a char
cardinalDirection = cin.readLine(1)[0].toAscii();

//in case the user entered more than 1 character, clear out the buffer again
//so that the next inputs will work correctly
